OOC: Personality

Sep 20, 2010 22:43

His main goal in life is to become the 10th's right-hand man, whatever the cost. He has a tendency to become jealous of anyone who gets close to Tsuna, especially Yamamoto, fearing that they'll try to steal his position as Tsuna's most dependable/important family member. He is a lone wolf who has a hard time opening up to anyone since he's been rejected so many times in the past, and thus he likes to do things on his own without asking for help. Gokudera is very loyal to the ones he do care about though. He is highly competitive, and hates to loose.

Gokudera usually slacks of at school, often skipping classes because he's bored, but he's highly intelligent and always aces his tests. (In D&D terms you could say that he has high intelligence, but low wisdom). G-script is his self-invented code script. He's not very fond of authority, and once declared that ''anyone older than me is my enemy''.

People often find the half-Italian scary due to his usually dark punk-ish clothes, sharp comments, tendency to pick fights and fierce temper, although some girls find the ''rebellious badboy'' attractive. He's usually seen with a frown on his face, except when he's talking with Tsuna, or when he's really excited about something. Like cryptozoology, occult stuff and science fiction - he's incredible interested in stuff like that. He's also quite superstitious.

Gokudera used to be a talented piano player when he was young, and his hearing is very good. He is also a chain smoker; he usually lights the dynamite with his cigarettes. Don't ask him to help out in the kitchen; his cooking skills aren't great, and he'll probably break every plate as he tries to do the dishes.

Earlier he had a habit of always sacrificing himself for causes he strongly believed in, like shielding Tsuna with his body when he was about to get shot by Chikusa's multiple poisoned needles. This habit probably steam from low self-confidence - he wanted to be needed by someone, depended on. Shamal, his mentor, makes him aware that he must stop being so reckless and quit trying to throw his life away during the Varia training arch - ''What I couldn't see was my own life.'' Tsuna also helps Gokudera realize this in the Storm Ring Fight.

This also comes up again during the Future Arch; Gokudera says that he'll win for Tsuna and the Vongola family, while Tsuna forbids him to gamble his life on something so insignificant. Everyone is shocked when Gokudera refuses to follow one of Tsuna's orders for the first time ever. Gokudera then proceed to tell them that he means the words in a whole new way now. He still wants to become the right-hand man, that is the proof of his existence, but he's figured out that he doesn't just have to be fearless and strong - he wants Tsuna to be happy, and one way to achieve that is keeping himself and the rest of the family alive.

rp, gokudera hayato, khr

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