OOC: Relationships - Carriero

Jun 08, 2011 12:03



Axis Powers Hetalia


Loud, annoying, stupid and cocky - that was the teen's first-impression of Gilbert, but it has changed a bit by now. Comparing notes with the other makes Gokudera realize that the nation may be lacking in his knowledge about modern times due to being from the 19th century, but he's smarter than previously presumed. Prussia also proves to be reliable, and even helpful in many situations, like during the wings event, and the rescue attempt. That's why Gokudera often listens to and value the others' opinion. They may not exactly be friends, but Dera has started to trust the man, and that's a big step when it comes to this one.

Status: Ally

Axis Powers Hetalia

"Kid nation"

He's a child and a nation, and the half-Italian usually find both to be equally annoying. If asked, Dera will most likely claim that the little colony is naive and irritating, but he actually thinks that Canada is alright, and he'll totally try to pet Kumajirou some time when the owner isn't looking.

Status: Ally

special beings



An alien! He hasn't spoken much with Kanaya yet, but so far she seems to be the most intelligent of the two trolls. The fact that she is quite willing to share information about her specie is also highly appreacitated.

Status: ?



More aliens! That aside, he doesn't really know Eridan that well yet. So far, he finds the troll to be helpful, but irritating and idiotic at times, so the two are bound to get into plenty of heated arguments unless Kanaya is around to calm them down.

Status: ?

humans and such

Team Fortress

"Crazy, old geezer."

The teen's wary of him since he doesn't quite know what to make of the doctor; the guy's creepy, but he can also be somewhat helpful occasionally so it might be handy to keep him around. Gokudera thinks that Medic is crazy and annoying most of the time though, and he loathes the older man for what he did to Andrea.

Status: ?


"Space woman."

He was rather irritated at Samus at first for treating him like a little kid, but warmed up to the woman pretty quickly when he learned more about her (part alien, has her own spaceship, etc!). The teen is convinced that her knowledge on advanced technology can prove to be useful at some point.

Status: Ally

ST. Trinity

"Emo girl."

First impression; morbid, strange, irritating, and just a mere human girl about his age. Still, she helped out his kid-self back at the farm, and they've spoken alot so he's gotten to know her pretty well by now; he's even shared a few details about himself. Gokudera is not impressed with her tendency to land herself into all kinds of trouble though, but he's not one to talk; the teen may be smart, but his emotions usually get the better of him, causing him to act more rashly than if he'd stop to think things through in a more level-headed way first. All in all, he gets along with her, and consider her to be somewhat of a friend.

Status: Ally


"Ghost girl."

->More to come

Status: ?

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