Title: White Lies
charcoaldonkey Pairing: OhnoxNino (with a little JunxAiba)
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13 (for now.. hehe)
Summary: The rain beat down harder and Ohno looked like he’d been shot. He fell to his knees and ran his hands through his hair as tears spilled down his cheeks. “Nino…” He whispered, “Please… don’t do this.”
White Lies - Chapter 2 )
Comments 11
Ok I waiting for more chap;DDD
And only time will tell, dear reader ^.^
Next chapter in two days!!
Thanks for the comment ^_^
Thank you for reading~! ^_^
I'm kind of glad Nino's feeling a bit hurt. He was a jerk in the last chapter, but then agsin I can't point fingers cause I don't know what happened between them yet. Any hints?
But yeah anyway, although this chappie is short, it was well written and I can't wait to read more ^^
Yes, he WAS a jerk!! But i guess everyone has their reasons ne?
Hehehe the next chapter explains it a bit more though ^_^
Thanks for commenting~! <3
Really what happen to them?
What make them like that...
Nino what have you done?
And Ohchan, at Jun place?
Don't say it...
Don't please...
Please don't like what I imagine it was... >.<
Thank you for this...
because in real life it's so hard to imagine it happening ne?
Thank you for the comment~! ^_^
Poor Ohmiya
Comments=Love~! ^.^
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