Banners for Round 10

Apr 03, 2016 15:20

So.. I had the best of intentions when I planned to catch up on banners... and then failed horribly. However, that's been rectified, and I know have a template for the banners, to make process faster!

Due to the HTML, I'm going to be splitting the posts up, so I apologize in advance for the spam to your f-list!

for lady_turner, darkpalace, effulgent_girl, bangel_4e, starry_night, and midnightisclose

lady_turner - 01
darkpalace - 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
effulgent_girl - 01
bangel_4e - 01 | 02
starry_night - 01
midnightisclose - 01

If anything looks amiss, just let me know! ♥

round 10, -banners

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