Guinan and Picard

Apr 02, 2009 10:28

Star Trek: The Next Generation:
Guinan and Jean-Luc Picard
Time to make: four days
Details: inked jumper, thread dreds, and reinforced hat (Guinan);
painted sideburns and multipaneled Starfleet uniform with embroidered detail (Picard)
Status: gone to a good home in Florida!

Guinan notes: her outfit didn't originally have that sash, but she didn't look right without it for some reason. Her hat is too small, but I didn't have any more of that purple material. More dreds next time. Purple pipe cleaners, thread, and matching pen for the inked pattern were ftw.

Picard notes: that red Starfleet fabric was coarse and difficult to work with; sleeves came out too wide and the yoke is uneven. Tiny Starfleet emblem is huge success; it's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Higher hip area makes character seem taller.

Time travelers. They're everywhere.
Eighth and Fifth Doctors are from my original DW collection. Note the celery. *grin*

Age, beauty, and YOUTH. \o7

star trek

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