
Aug 11, 2013 16:31


Hello all!
Welcome to character_draw

This is a 20in20 challenge community, which means you will submit a set of 20 icons in 20 days. (10 themes, 5 category, 5 artist's choice)

But there is a twist. You will sign up with a tv show/film/animation and a mod will assign a character to you. Please make sure to read the rules for more information.

I, mizunfortunate will be your mod. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me via message or comment on any of my entries :) I promise I don't bite.


-Like every other 20in20 icon community, participants will enter 20 icons from themes, a category set and an artist's choice set.

-The twist comes where you sign up with a tv show/film/animation and a mod will assign a character to you. If you don't like the character you may switch to your second choice or ask for a change, but only once!

-To keep things interesting, some rounds will be guesswho rounds which will operate with a particular tv show or film that is voted by the members of the community. Participants will choose from a pile of numbers and behind that number will be a character from that film/tv show. That will then be the claim.

Standard Rules:

-You must be a member of the community to participate.
-Each round may have varying requirements so be sure to read the information carefully
-Please only sign up if your are committed to the icon challenge and willing to participate.
-One subject is chosen for each round, please give a second choice just in case.
-You must choose either a tv show/film/animation and a character will be assigned to you.
-The same subject may not be chosen by you twice in a row.
-Your submitted set must be made specifically for that round, no prior work will be accepted.
-Icons must be submitted before voting goes up and before the dead-line. Anything submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
-You may ask for an extension if you need one.
-When entering your icons to the community, please give a preview of THREE icons only and the direct link to the icons if it is posted with anything else in an entry in your journal/community.
-Please make sure your icon entry is public if it is posted in your own journal/community so we don't have to friend you to view your work. The entry may be set to locked after voting and winners have been announced.
-If you are participating in a challenge, please make an effort to view other participant's entries. Feedback is greatly appreciated among all icon makers.
-Since icons are viewable before voting, don't go down the biased route and vote based on the artist/chosen show/character/etc. Vote on the quality of the icons please.
-All icons must be of LJ standard. (under 40kb, 100x100px, and either .png, .jpeg, .gif file format)
-No animated icons please.
-Try to keep cursing/swearing to a minimum. Minor language is okay. No nudity will be allowed.
-All posts are moderated.


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