Picspam: 30 Rock, Christmas Special. Part 2

Nov 16, 2009 20:49

PLEASE DO NOT HOTLINK! My bandwidth will exceed & then there will be no picspam! Thanks.

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30 rock, picspam

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Comments 29

agoodinsane November 16 2009, 21:34:20 UTC
awesome picspam.
i love that episode.
one of my favorites.


char_cohen November 17 2009, 09:25:20 UTC
Mine too.
It was on over here last week & I had forgotten just how much I do love it.


jenncho November 16 2009, 22:10:42 UTC
Awesome picspam! I took the Tracy and Jenna icon. :)


char_cohen November 17 2009, 09:25:43 UTC
Love your icon - one of the best films ever!


ironic_sauce November 16 2009, 22:31:47 UTC
Jack playing the piano always makes me feel funny inside, not sure why.

and Jenna molesting Tina Fey's husband dude cracks me up every single time (he gets this horrified look)!

Also, i wonder how could they top this awesome Christmas epi this season!

Yep, Thank you for yet another awesome picspam <3


char_cohen November 16 2009, 22:47:17 UTC
Wait, what the what? That's Tina Fey's real life husbandness???????


char_cohen November 16 2009, 22:47:57 UTC
Also Alec singing reminds me of RDJ singing in Ally McBeal.


ironic_sauce November 16 2009, 22:59:17 UTC
Wish i had a river was his best!
(I can't find it on my iTunes *cry*)


nooperz November 17 2009, 00:20:37 UTC
Picspam WIN! I want it to be Christmas now..and I want everyone from 30 Rock as my present..hehehe

Taking some Alec icons because they rule, will credit :)


char_cohen November 17 2009, 09:26:09 UTC
I would also like that haha!


michellek November 17 2009, 01:01:45 UTC
Great picspam! I love the smiley-ness during the phone scene, too. They like each other and it does things to my heart. And I love the icons, shall be taking some. :)


char_cohen November 17 2009, 09:26:44 UTC
I don't think I've ever really noticed the smileyness til I was doing this.
It is love.


michellek November 18 2009, 00:45:58 UTC
I think I noticed it the first time I watched it, but it's possible someone pointed it out to me. In either case, it always makes me happy whenever I watch that scene.


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