30 Days of TV -- Day 15

Jul 23, 2010 22:20

Day 15 -- Favorite Female Character


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30 days of tv

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Comments 6

rosie_spleen July 24 2010, 04:23:18 UTC

30 days of posting is huge, I think. Enjoy your weekend off, but you better bloody get back to school on Monday. FFS, your readers have expectations, and don't you dare go AWOL again without letting me know in advance, or I'll be over there in a jiffy to cut your cheek!

This is a really interesting post. I don't know 'To the Manor Born' much at all. It might have been on in the background on our ABC, but don't even know the story. I do know Penelope Keith, though, and would watch 'The Good Life' a bit with mum and dad.

She's one of those fabulous, famous faces of the BBC.

Thanks lady. It's been lovely reconnecting over these things (for me anyway *g*) 'avvagoodweekendo


chapter_stork July 24 2010, 11:20:43 UTC
Hey when I started this I had no idea if I would get a single comment, so thanks for cheering me on. Plus I wanted something to post about because two weeks ago LJ seemed so dead and now? the flist is full of memes and fanfics and Comic-Con and fangirl meet ups, oh my!

Well, To The Manor Born is one to keep in mind if you ever need a charming comedy to break up the onslaught of zombies and serial killers. Only 10 hours to watch the entire series, bbq.

Oh, we had "The Good Life" here, except they changed the title to "Good Neighbors", don't know why. (The brit-coms were all banished to late night public TV slots in the pre-BBC America days.) It's okay? Manor Born is much better.


rosie_spleen July 25 2010, 01:36:35 UTC
Might hunt up Manor Born one day.

Hey when I started this I had no idea if I would get a single comment, so thanks for cheering me on

No dear. It's as much for me, because I still reckon we'd share a mean, lean (not much work, lots of chat) office with some of the other LJers too.


sticks_for_legs July 24 2010, 08:05:19 UTC
I think I'm putting this one on reserve at the library now, because I can't watch it on PBS, I'd be starting from the middle, or the half middle, or.... whatever, it's going in my queue!


chapter_stork July 24 2010, 11:10:19 UTC
It's great. I know I keep saying that but...this isn't "Thirty days of Shows I Hate", or anything. It's 22 half hour episodes, much less of an undertaking than The Wire!


sticks_for_legs July 25 2010, 04:23:38 UTC
I've got the Wire on reserve, but I'm on a long list.... I may have to just watch it online!

I also have To The Manor Born in reserve, I'm not sure how long that list is though.


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