Welcome to the round 001 of
chaotic20in20 . Comment to this post to sign up. The sign ups will be open until 5th September or until we have reached 07 participants.
09 / 15 spots left
To claim a spot on this round, just comment to this entry with your name.
- p a r t i c i p a n t s -
#usersubmitted # 001
sequinia here# 002
purpleworld8here# 003
crazy_lil_kat here# 004
feeltherain here# 005
olivejuice_icon here # 006
missprerogativehere# 007
fuuurshere# 008user 008here# 009user 009 here# 010user 010here # 011user 011here# 012user 012here# 013user 013 here# 014user 014 here# 015user 015here
Just comment with your username to sign up.
r u l e s
01. You must be a member of the community to participate (can't give you posting access otherwise).
02. Please be committed to finish your claim so that you don't take someone else's place who would've finished.
03. Please read the rules
here before signing up.
04. Have fun! And feel free to ask any questions that might arise :)