LotS/TB Crossover: Blood Ties Pt 12 (Cara/Kahlan)

Dec 13, 2010 07:13

Title: Blood Ties
Part: Twelve
Pariing:  Kahlan/Cara 
Rating: R... ish.  
Count: 6996
Disclaimer: Blah blah blah nothing belongs to me blah blah blah. [/Pam's voice]
Summary:  Cara's a vamp. Kahlan's a... *shifty eyes* human. They meet. Stuff happens. I hate writing out summaries.
A/N: I'd like to give a big, wet, sloppy thanks to huffstodt  for the general pain in my ass help she's been. Thank you, my dearest Homeslice.

A/N2: So, I've not read the Sookie Stackhouse books. I... may have unknowingly taken certain liberties with some of the TB 'verse in this. Not that, ya know, I care or anything. Just fair warning. Before someone goes all, "BOO YOU HOR that's not how it works!" on me. K?

OH! and I also want to mention, that I am SOOOO not comfortable with the magic thing. Especially ~powerful magic. As in the making it all up type of stuff. So do not expect details.

“Richard is all set up.” Berdine came to stand next to Cara. They had parked Berdine and Raina’s van outside the gate of the mansion, hidden within the thick trees surrounding it. “He, Denna and Chase are waiting for your signal. You were right. We saw figures on the roof. Seems Nicci is going to perform the ritual up there. Doesn‘t appear to be too many guards around.”

Cara nodded, “Nicci thinks I’m gone. That, coupled with her usual over-confidence, probably means she’s not worried about being interrupted. But I don’t need to tell you we still need to be cautious.” She looked back to Raina, Hally, Rikka and Zedd. “You all know what to do, right?” Even with their looks of confirmation, she still stressed, “Make sure Zedd is protected. We need to get him to the top as quickly as possible. We’re relying on his magic in case we don’t get there in time before they begin the spell. We’re already cutting it pretty close.” The wizard had explained earlier that the spell needed to be cast within a certain timeframe, only two hours after sunset, that now left them with very little time.

“Alright,” Cara said, pulling out a pair of thick, black leather gloves and slipping them on. “Everyone get ready.” She waited as the other vampires put on similar gloves. When they were done, Cara moved her eyes to Zedd. “Stay within our circle. Hally and Rikka will watch your back. Berdine, Raina and I will watch your front.”

“Oh, my own entourage,” Zedd quipped with a slight waggle of his eyebrows.

“Would it be too much to ask for you to take this a little more seriously, wizard?” Cara sighed dryly at him, reaching into the back of the van for several silver spikes, placing them in the inner pockets of her red leather jacket.

“Only as much as it would be to ask you to lighten up,” Zedd teased. He clapped and rubbed his hands together. “I’m just so excited. It’s been almost two-thousand years since I’ve been involved in anything more thrilling than feeding my chickens.”

“You think we’re here for your amusement?” Cara growled, paying no attention to the other vampires, who were subtly stepping away from the wizard. Zedd visibly gulped. “This isn’t about you reliving some youthful adventure. It’s about getting Kahlan back. I need--” Cara paused, frustrated. She turned away, pulling unnecessarily at her gloves. “We need to get her back.”

Zedd, suddenly feeling guilty, hesitantly stepped up behind Cara. Taking a chance, he placed a hand on the vampire’s shoulder. “We’ll get her back,” he promised, sounding as sure as he was standing there.

Cara moved away. “Let’s go. We’ve wasted enough time already.”


“Now.” Cara whispered in the direction she knew Richard, Denna and Chase were hiding. Chase, with his vampiric hearing, would hear her and inform Richard it was time to detonate the first bomb hidden on the side of the mansion. Not even three seconds later and there was an impressive blast of fire shaking the building, as well as the ground beneath Cara’s feet.

Cara and the others were a few yards away when she saw the two vampires guarding the entrance startle at the sudden explosion. They didn’t move, but their attention was focused in the direction of the blast, so much so, that they didn’t see the grenade that landed a few feet from them until it was too late. With another large explosion, the guards, as well as the enormous double-doors leading into the mansion were blasted away.

Raina lowered her arm. “Huh… Ya know, as much as I prefer a much more up-close and personal approach… that was kinda fun.” Berdine, on the other side of Cara, grinned at her lover.

“Move.” Cara instructed and the five of them took off towards the still-smoking entrance.


Nicci stood on the roof, watching with a smug smile as Kahlan continued to struggle against her binds. The warlock, Giller, behind her at the small alter she had arranged for the ritual mixed several ingredients in a small bowl, quietly chanting in a language that not even Nicci, in her ancient years, recognized.

Nicci walked up to Kahlan, staring down at the human. “I’m half-expecting you to tell me I’ll never get away with this,” she mused.

Kahlan paused in her futile struggling to glare incredulously at the vampire. “Please, I think you’re cliché enough for the both of us.”

Nicci smirked back at her. “Kahlan Amnell, you do have quite the fire in you.” She leaned down, resting a hand on the back of Kahlan’s chair, her face inches away from Kahlan’s. “I am going to enjoy draining you dry.”

Kahlan leaned forward as much as she could, bringing her face even closer to the vampire’s. “And I can’t wait to see you try,” she shot back defiantly. It was an empty threat but Kahlan knew Cara was coming. She just hoped her vampire would get there in time.

Nicci let out a quiet, short laugh. She straightened back up, gave Kahlan one last amused glance before moving back to her previous spot to impatiently watch the warlock.

Just then, a deafening bang shook through the building below them and fire lit up the side of the mansion. After the initial shock it gave her, Kahlan let out a tiny, relieved sigh. She knew it was Cara. Nicci spun in the direction of the explosion, eyes widened in confusion for a moment before another blast came from the front of mansion‘s structure. This time, her eyes narrowed.

“Go!” Nicci yelled at the staggered vampires surrounding them and they took off, heading inside and to whatever had caused the explosions. Only Triana and two other vampires remained behind. Nicci flashed her furious eyes at Giller. The warlock had been shocked still in the middle of adding the small vile of Kahlan’s blood to the bowl in front of him. Nicci was on him in a second. “Don’t you dare stop!” She roared in his face, hand gripping his robes tightly. “If you do not complete this in time, I will rip your insides out through your throat. Do you understand?!”

“Y- yes,” the warlock stuttered, eyes wide and nodding his head as best he could through the fear.

“Good,” Nicci hissed, letting him go with a shove and stepped away to give him room. Though not much.

“Hey, Nicci?”

The vampire turned her angry, narrowed gaze to Kahlan. This time, Kahlan was smiling smugly at her.

“You’ll never get away with this.”


“You know,” Berdine said casually, throwing a silver spike at a particularly large vampire that came at them, hitting him directly in the heart. “We could move a lot faster if we didn’t have gramps here slowing us down.” She smiled as the other vampire shrieked loudly before splattering against the wall in a heap of blood and gore.

The wizard let out an indignant huff as they rounded another corner, only to be confronted with five more of Nicci’s personal guards, fangs gleaming and heading straight for them. Zedd extended his open hand between Cara and Raina and let out a burst of magic that had the other vampires slamming back against the wall. As Cara, Raina, Hally and Rikka made sure to imbed spikes into the stunned men, Zedd turned to Berdine. “Excuse me if I don’t have your vampiric speed but as you can see clearly,” he waved a hand at the fallen vampires, “I am not completely without use here.”

Berdine gave a slightly impressed nod of her head as the others got back into place around the wizard and they resumed moving again. “Okay, I‘ll give you that,” she conceded. “But you’re still slow.”

Zedd’s eyes rolled upwards under bushy eyebrows.

“Zedd, how much time do we have?” Cara asked when they ascended up another flight of stairs. The wizard pulled out a pocket watch he timed according to the spell.

“Not much.”

Cara absolutely refused to think what would happen if they didn’t make it in time. She sped up as much as she could with Zedd stuck between them. “At least we’re almost th--” She ducked as an arm swung at her head when they reached the top of the stairs. She kneed the vampire with all her strength in his gut and he doubled over, she pulled out another spike and slammed it into his back without barely a pause.

A few more hallways and a few more of Nicci’s henchmen later, the group came to the door that would open up to the roof.

Cara turned to Hally and Rikka. “Stay by Zedd. Make sure he has time to cast the protection spell on Kahlan.”

A sudden crash of lightening lit the sky through the windows, quickly followed by a thunderous boom that rattled the very walls. Cara could hear a man’s voice chanting loudly beyond the door.

“Zedd?” Cara glanced back at the wizard.

Zedd had his eyes closed as he reached out with his magic. “It’s starting.”

Cara slammed open the door.

The sight that greeted them was something out of a fantasy film. The sky just above was tinged with a swirling deep purple and white; streaks of lightening cutting through it. The wind had picked up, blowing leaves and other debris around them. Ahead, on the other side of the rooftop, was Kahlan, tied to a chair; dark hair whipping around her head with the force of the wind. Directly in front of her, shouting in a strange language, stood a dark robbed man holding what looked like a fist-sized ceramic ball high above his head. To Kahlan’s right was Nicci. The old vampire -Cara’s Sire- whipped her head around to them. The shocked look in those hazel eyes was almost comical.

As Zedd, along with Hally and Rikka, remained just inside the doorway to keep out of the line of fire while the wizard prepared his spell, Berdine and Raina charged headlong towards Triana and the other vampires. That left Cara with Nicci.

She didn’t stand a chance.

It didn’t matter.

She just needed to stop this ritual from being completed. Nicci was going to kill her. Truly kill her this time, and Cara didn’t care. The others would get Kahlan away from here, she just needed to keep Nicci busy long enough for them to do so.

Kahlan, who heard the door slam open, didn’t even need to see Nicci’s face to know who it was.

“Cara!” She shouted, trying to turn her head to look behind her, head jerking at an attempt to sweep her hair out of her eyes.

“Kahlan!” Cara almost didn’t get the name past her lips when a flash of black came at her and she was lifted in the air, feet dangling a foot above the ground. Nicci baring her fangs at her.

“I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised,” Nicci snarled at her, tightening the grip on Cara’s leather jacket.

“No, you really shouldn’t,” Cara struggled, hands coming up to grab at both of Nicci’s wrists. It was useless, Nicci’s grip was steel. “Of all your progeny I was the only one with any skill.”

“You were also the most loyal.” Nicci tossed Cara like a rag doll, skidding along the rooftop and slamming head first into the waist-high wall that surrounded the edge. Nicci stomped up towards her. “It’s a shame you had to betray me over some human,” she stated calmly. Cara rolled over onto her hands and knees when Nicci kicked her in the stomach, the force knocking her sideways and landing sprawled out on her back.

Cara coughed, she could tell Nicci had just cracked several of her ribs with the kick but they would heal soon. “Maybe I… just got tired of your bullshit,” she heaved through the pain. She looked around as best she could. Berdine and Raina still had their hands full with Triana and another vampire, the third now nothing but a pile of blood. The warlock was still chanting loudly, only now the irises of his eyes were burning with a bright white light. Zedd was taking too long.

Nicci grabbed Cara by the neck and lifted her in the air again. Even with Nicci’s grip crushing her throat she managed to call out, “Hally… Stop him!” before Nicci tossed her again, this time landing on her back on the other side of the roof, less than ten feet away from Kahlan.

Hally took off towards Giller, but even her vampiric speed wasn’t fast enough. Just before she reached the man, Nicci appeared before her, backhanding her across the face and she went flying, teetering on the edge of the rooftop for a second before flipping over and falling to the ground below. It took all of a couple seconds before Nicci was back to Cara, boot planted firmly on Cara’s neck, keeping her pinned to the ground.

Rikka turned from the scene to glare at Zedd. “Now would be a good time, wizard,” she said impatiently.

Zedd muttered the last of the spell before raising both his hands in front of him, fingers spread and palms out. Rikka stepped back a little when his hands began to glow.

Kahlan’s frantic eyes shifted from the bellowing man in front of her to Nicci, who pressed the sole of her boot down on her lover’s neck. Without even realizing it, the muscles in her arms pulled and strained, trying in vain to free herself. When her eyes met Cara’s, she wanted to sob, almost at the point of begging; to plead with Nicci to let Cara go. All she managed was a strained, “Cara.” It sounded like an apology, one Cara shook her head at.

Nicci grinned at the both of them, first Kahlan then at Cara. “Don’t worry Cara. I’m not going to kill you yet. You will get to watch as I drain your precious human dry.” She twisted her boot.

“Nicci…” Cara grounded out. “You are nothing… but a sadistic… egotistical… piece of worthless… fuck.”

Nicci raised an impassive eyebrow. “Is that supposed to hurt?” she asked blandly.

Cara let out a strangled laugh. “No…” Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Zedd seconds away from releasing his magic. “But this will.” She pulled out her last silver spike, reaching up and stabbing it into Nicci’s thigh.

Nicci roared, stumbling back from surprise and the silver. It wouldn’t be enough to stop her, but Cara knew it would be enough to slow her down.

Kahlan didn’t have time to feel relief, for as soon as Nicci fell back off of Cara, the warlock in front of her reached the end of his shouting spell and was poised to throw down the now-glowing ceramic ball in his hand.

At the very moment Zedd released his magic aimed at Kahlan, something shoved at his side, knocking him against the doorframe he was standing in. As his magic released, it flew out, straight past Kahlan, missing her by several feet. At first he thought it might have been Rikka, but a quick glance showed the vampire in a death grip with another.

He had missed.

Cara didn’t have time to register seeing Dahlia push Zedd. As soon as his magic rushed past Kahlan, she was on her feet and tackling Giller to the ground before he could smash the object in his hand. She didn’t know the exact details of the spell but she was sure that if it broke, the spell would be complete. But it was too late. He let go of the ball right as they hit the ground and it shattered, releasing a thick, dark red smoke that rose slowly, lingering for a moment in front of them before shooting directly into Kahlan.

“No!” Cara shouted from her position on top of Giller, as she watched Kahlan arch in what could only be excruciating pain. The brunette’s mouth fell open in a silent scream and her eyes widened, black swirling in the icy blue of her irises before eclipsing them altogether. Kahlan’s skin began to glow, a white light that quickly became so bright, Cara had to squint her eyes before blocking it with her hand.

Everyone paused in what they were doing when the magic entered Kahlan. Berdine and Raina had Triana cornered after disposing of the second vampire and the three of them watched in silent awe. The same with Dahlia and Rikka, who had been grappling with each other. Zedd still leaned against the doorframe, eyes frightened and breathing deeply. It had been a long time since he casted such powerful magic and it left him feeling slightly weakened.

Then, an invisible force burst from Kahlan, like a powerful gust of wind that knocked everyone and everything within immediate range of Kahlan back several feet. Cara rolled with the warlock and briefly, she noticed his eyes swirl black just as Kahlan’s had.

When she looked back to Kahlan, she was no longer glowing. Her body was slack in the chair with what Cara hoped was only unconsciousness. She listened, drowning everything out around her and concentrated. She was too stunned to move. Somehow, her joints ached and she felt paralyzed with fear. Then faintly, Cara heard it; the soft, slow beating of Kahlan’s heart and she breathed out an unnecessary breath of relief.

Now that the spell had been completed, Dahlia took the advantage of Rikka’s distraction and elbowed the other vampire hard in the face and took off, moving at her enhanced speed. This part of her plan was done.

Shakily, Cara rose to her feet, slowly making her way over to Kahlan; removing a glove from her left hand as she did so. The air around her was silent. It was almost deafening compared to the chaos that took place only moments ago. “Kahlan,” she heard whispered and realized it was her own voice. When she reached Kahlan, her hand trembled as it rose to brush back the soft hair covering her lover’s face. Just as her fingertips brushed against the brunette strands, her wrist was gripped painfully and she was yanked away.

Nicci held up the silver spike she had pulled from her leg using the material of her sleeve. “That really pissed me off,” she growled and tossed the spike to the ground before the back of her closed fist collided with the side of Cara‘s face so hard that she spun, falling to her knees. Her cheek split open and blood poured from the wound before slowly closing again. Nicci towered over her, “I changed my mind,” she said, grabbing the back of Cara’s head, fisting the hair there and lifting her up. “I am going to kill you right now. You’ve been enough trouble already.”

Cara’s fangs extended down. She was done playing this game. If Nicci was going to kill her, she sure as hell was not going to make it easy.

Nicci laughed, “Oh what, Cara? What are you going to do? You’re no match for me,” she taunted and threw Cara against the alter Giller had been using.

Cara flipped backwards, rolling off the alter to land on her feet on the other side. When she was facing Nicci again, she gave a cocky grin and asked, “Maybe not but since when have I ever been one to give up that easily?”

“True,” Nicci smirked a little and slowly stalked towards Cara. “I once admired that in you.” They circled each other with the alter between them, eyes never leaving the other. “Too bad you‘ve turned out be such a disappointment to me.”

“I’m a disappointment to you?” Cara snorted. “I’m heartbroken.”

Whatever Nicci was about to say was interrupted by a low groan. They both looked to see that Kahlan was coming to, her head rolling to the side.

Nicci looked back at Cara with a sadistic smile. “Just in time. We wouldn’t want your little human to miss out on this, now would we?” Cara’s eyes darted between her and Kahlan. Nicci’s own eyes rolled and she looked amused. “Oh, Cara, don’t tell me you’re actually considering it?” She laughed. “I would have your head before you even get half-way there.”

Kahlan, still groggy, muttered Cara’s name and Cara clenched her jaw when she saw the bright blue of Kahlan’s eyes search hers out.

Nicci continued to watch Cara with interest. “You really are going to try it,” she said, a little surprised.

Cara slammed her hard gaze back to Nicci. They stared at each other for a silent moment. Then Cara moved, fast. Just as expected, Nicci was in-between her and Kahlan in a blink of an eye. What was not expected, to Nicci anyway, was when Cara changed direction at the last millisecond, instead diving for the forgotten silver spike with her still-gloved right hand. Nicci was caught off guard and didn’t react quick enough before Cara hurled it at her, embedding it in her right shoulder. Nicci snarled angrily before dropping down.

With Nicci stunned for the moment, Cara turned to look around her. When she saw Berdine and Raina, she called out to them, “If you two are done fucking around, you want to give me a hand here?”

Berdine held tight to Triana’s arms from behind as Raina landed blow after blow to the vampire’s face. When Berdine looked over to see Nicci down, she turned back to Raina, who seemed to really be enjoying herself. “Honey,” she said sweetly, “I think we’re done playing here.”

Raina stopped and glanced around. “Oh.” She reached into her jacket pocket, pulled out a spike and tossed it in the air so that it flipped once then stabbed it through Triana’s heart. “Too bad. We should do this more often,” she said decisively while Berdine quickly tossed the vampire over the side so as not to get any mess on her when Triana would explode.

“It has been a long time, hasn‘t it?”

“Get her out of here,” Cara instructed them and Berdine and Raina swiftly made their way to Kahlan, untying the still-dazed woman. Once they got Kahlan out of the chair and carried her to the door where Zedd and Rikka were, Cara turned back to Nicci, who had already removed the silver from her shoulder and was on her feet. Cara had never seen her look this furious. And that was saying something. She would use it to her advantage. She would keep Nicci’s focus on her.

In an instant, Cara was in the angry grip of Nicci again. She heard Kahlan cry out her name from behind them.

“After everything I have done for you,” Nicci growled at Cara’s face, “After I gave you EVERYTHING! Made you strong. Gave you the vengeance you wanted so desperately.” Nicci’s fist connected with Cara’s nose while the other hand still held her jacket, causing Cara’s head to snap back violently. “After I saved your pathetic… worthless… life.” Each word was punctuated with another hit. “This is how you repay me?!”

Cara felt blood pouring down from her nose and mouth, covering her chin and neck, and she was having trouble staying focused. Nicci’s fists were the equivalent to having a brick wall dropped on her, repeatedly. But she still managed to whisper fiercely, “I… will never… let you have her.”

“And what makes you think you have any say in it?” Nicci slammed Cara down against the ground and reached, barehanded, for the silver stake. So enraged was Nicci that she pushed through the pain, and the stench of her smoldering skin reached Cara.

“Cara, no!” Kahlan yelled and tried to get to the vampire but Raina held her back. “Do something!” She pleaded with the others.

Berdine knew this was suicide, and if it didn’t result in that then Raina was sure to kill her herself afterwards but she couldn’t stand by and let Cara get slaughtered. She moved fast at Nicci and crashed into her just as she was about to plunge the stake into Cara’s heart. They fell back and rolled a few times before Nicci recovered and aimed the stake at her and Berdine braced herself. Then Nicci was flying as an invisible force knocked her several feet away. Berdine looked up to see Zedd with a hand raised in their direction.

Cara rolled over to face the wizard. “Zedd, now!”

Nicci was back on her feet when she heard Cara shout and changed her direction to charge at the wizard.

Zedd extended his arm to the side, making sure that a part of him was touching Kahlan, Raina and Rikka before quickly muttering a short spell. He waved his other arm in front of them and they dissolved like smoke into nothing and were gone.

Nicci halted immediately, eyes frantically darting around the space that they vanished from. With a low growl, she spun back around, after placing a swift and hard kick to Berdine’s head to keep her out of her way, she seized Cara by the throat and slammed her down on top of the alter. Cara felt the impact throughout her body as Nicci crushed the bones of her neck.

“It doesn’t matter,” Nicci sneered at her. “The magic in her has been restored. I will tear your head from your shoulders and then I will find her. And then I will bathe in her blood. You can’t win this.”

Nicci grabbed with her other hand the side of Cara’s head with the intent to remove it, and Cara waited. Shota’s words ringing in her ears, that she was to sacrifice herself. She was more than willing to do so. It would be an honor to die for Kahlan.

Nicci’s head jerked to the side. It was only a slight movement but Cara saw it, right before she felt a few drops of something thick splash the side of her face. Suddenly, Nicci’s grip on her neck loosened. And then the old vampire was falling, hitting the ground with a dull thud. Cara stayed still, body prone against the alter and eyes wide. In her peripheral vision, she saw Berdine slowly making her way over to the blonde, rubbing the side of her chin. Cara pushed herself up slightly and with matching confused faces they looked at each other, then both looked down at Nicci.

Nicci lay still on the ground, her eyes wide open. There was a small pool of blood circling the side of her head and tiny tendrils of smoke floating out of a messy hole there.

Richard lifted his head up from the scope of his rifle with a huge grin on his face. Denna did the same from the pair of binoculars in her hands. They were perched side-by-side on top of Richard’s truck, which was parked on a small hill some ways off from the mansion. Chase standing off to the side, making sure they weren’t interrupted.

“Nice shot,” she said, clapping Richard hard on his back, causing him to wince a little.

“Thanks,” Richard replied a bit humbly, ducking his head a little. “Guess it’s a good thing I kept some of these silver badboys.” He pulled out another bullet from his pocket to admire it. Then his eyes widened and he looked over to Chase. “Not that, ya know, I ever intended to use them or anything,” he quickly backpedaled.

Chase merely rolled his eyes, though there was a hint of a smile in them.

“Oo! Can I try?” Denna reached for the rifle.

Cara and Berdine stood over Nicci. Cara stretched her neck, feeling the bones pop as they healed. For a long moment, she stared down at her Maker’s eyes. Nicci wasn’t gone but the silver in her head had rendered her completely motionless. Cara could imagine the pain she was in and took no small pleasure in that.

Berdine looked sidelong at Cara. “So…?”

Cara didn’t answer. She moved to the side and picked up the stake Nicci had dropped earlier. She felt her jaws tighten as she kneeled down beside Nicci and without hesitation, she raised it.

“I told you… I will never let you have her,” she said calmly. And plunged the stake deep into Nicci’s heart.

They both quickly stepped back as Nicci’s body exploded, blood and skin splattering around their feet.

Berdine didn’t know what to expect from Cara now. Despite everything, Nicci was still her Maker. But all Cara did was turn and head towards the door. Not looking back. Berdine supposed there really wasn’t anything more to say and she followed Cara.

Until a groaned, “Mistress,” caught their attention. They both stopped and looked back. The warlock. They had forgotten all about him. He was still where Cara had left him and now he was coming awake. Cara and Berdine watched as he slowly rolled over. Suddenly alert, his eyes shot around, looking for something or someone.

“Mistress?” He croaked, “Where is my Mistress?”

Berdine furrowed her brows, looking at Cara, she asked, “What?”

Cara glared at the man. “I think he was hit by Kahlan’s magic. I think he’s…” She paused. “Confessed. To her.”

“Oh.” Berdine nodded. “What should we do?”

“Get rid of him. Not only is he partly responsible but the last thing Kahlan needs right now is some lovesick slave following her around,” Cara instructed, voice hard. Then her frown deepened as she thought of how Kahlan would feel. “Berdine?” The other vampire stopped walking towards the man and looked back at her. “Make it quick. And… painless.”

Berdine stared at her a moment before understanding set in and she gave a curt nod.

Cara continued towards the door. She was about to walk through it when Hally suddenly appeared, looking very pissed off. Cara raised in eyebrow at her. “Nice of you to join us again.”

Hally glared back at her. “I was a little… stuck.”


Hally showed her a long piece of rotted wood, dripping with what Cara assumed was Hally’s blood.

“Who the FUCK puts a wooden chair, a rotted, piece of shit chair that’s probably older than I am, on the side of a mansion for no fucking reason?!” Hally shouted.

Cara, for her part, didn’t so much as blink. Instead, she looked around Hally’s body and noticed part of her jacket had a large hole in it, blood staining the edges, on her right side.

Cara shrugged. “Just be glad it wasn’t your heart.”

“Fucker.” Hally threw the wood down on the floor, causing it to break in half.


“How could you do this?!” Kahlan demanded, even as her body slumped against the van. She was still drained and having trouble keeping her eyes open. Something inside her had changed, she could feel it. But right now, she was too exhausted and too terrified to give it much thought. She forced her tired gaze back at the wizard. “How could you just leave her there?”

Zedd’s voice was gentle but firm, as he answered, “Kahlan, I promised Cara that I would get you away safely, and that’s what I did.”

“But you just left her there! Alone. Couldn’t you have done something to--”

“I did what I could. I don’t like it anymore than you do,” Zedd interrupted, his voice rising slightly. Kahlan could see the underlying guilt in his eyes.

“She’s not alone.” Raina’s quiet words reached them from where she stood a few feet away, her back to them and gaze never leaving the large house ahead. She couldn’t see the rooftop from here, and the not knowing was killing her, still her voice remained empty. “Berdine is still with her.”

“All the more reason we need to go back,” Kahlan said, feeling desperate. She pushed herself off of the van, attempting to stand without its aid. “We need to try and help them…” Kahlan swayed, feeling her legs almost give out underneath her.

Zedd quickly stepped up, gently gripping her bicep and holding her steady. “Kahlan,” he sighed. “I don’t know what else we can do. And you most certainly are in no shape to do anything right now but rest.”

“Rest?” Kahlan exclaimed, trying to steady herself and extract her arm from Zedd’s grip. “You expect me to rest while Cara is… is…”

“Is coming towards us.” Rikka informed them.

“What?” Kahlan asked her. Rikka looked back at her.

“See for yourself,” she said, gesturing with her hand.

Kahlan looked past Zedd and sure enough, there was Cara, Berdine and Hally walking toward them, as though they were simply taking a leisurely stroll through the park. That is until Cara’s eyes met Kahlan’s and she sped up, taking purposeful strides and Kahlan finally felt her body relax, leaning heavily into Zedd‘s tall frame.

Cara didn’t stop until she was right in front of Kahlan. She didn’t reach out, though she desperately wanted to, and her voice seemed to have vanished. All she could do was run her concerned eyes along Kahlan’s face.

Kahlan felt frozen. All she could think to do was let herself fall into Cara’s arms. She was tired and weak, but her heart was pounding hard and fast within her chest. She felt she would cry any minute, tears forming in her eyes. Tears of happiness and of relief. Cara was here and safe. Kahlan was safe. They were safe together again.

Kahlan sniffed a little, offering Cara a shy, “Hey.”

“Are you…” Cara swallowed. “Are you all right?” Kahlan smiled at her and Cara felt warm again.

“I’m tired but… I’m fine.”

That was when Cara realized Kahlan was still leaning against Zedd and it snapped her out of her stupor. She finally reached out, pulling Kahlan away from Zedd and into her own arms. Kahlan’s body seemed to sigh into her.

“I’m so sorry, Kahlan,” Cara offered sorrowfully, wrapping an arm around the brunette’s back, holding her weight

“No,” Kahlan replied fervently. She brought her arms up to hold Cara around the back of the vampire’s neck, pulling her closer. Kahlan buried her face into blonde hair and inhaled deeply. Less than a moment later, she felt Cara do the same to her as both the blonde’s arms wrapped tightly around her back. “No,” she repeated, murmuring her words into Cara’s neck. “I won’t have you apologize. Not for this. Not when it was never your fault. I’m just so glad you’re okay.”

Cara breathed out a short laugh. “Me? I’m not the one who was held captive for almost four days.”

Kahlan leaned back to look deeply into Cara’s eyes with a small smile. She felt a tear roll slowly down her cheek and Cara brushed it away with a thumb. “I thought… With Nicci. I thought I was going to lose you. Again.”

Cara placed a tender hand on the back of Kahlan’s neck, cupping the base of her skull. “So did I,” she whispered.

Kahlan’s eyes pleaded with Cara and the blonde answered. Gently, she pulled Kahlan’s lips to hers, brushing them once and then just pressing against them. They held still, just touching. Then with a whimper, Kahlan began to move, running her bottom lip over Cara’s top and soon they were kissing deeply. It felt like a reconnection, and that was what it was. Their kisses were desperate and needy. A silent thank you, to each other. For each other.

Raina glared at Berdine. Arms crossed and a stern look of irritation on her face. “You are a fool,” she accused plainly.

Berdine at least had the good sense to look ashamed. “I know. But I couldn’t just let Cara--”

“Yes, once again, you had to save Cara’s ass,” Raina huffed. “You’re still an idiot.”

Berdine hung her head. She hated it when Raina was pissed off at her. Well, she hated it most of the time, anyway. Sometimes, it could be really… enjoyable.

Raina sighed exasperatedly. Then she reached up with both hands to grasp the sides of Berdine’s face, pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss.

“And the next time,” Raina whispered against Berdine’s lips, “you pull another pointless, stupid stunt like that?” She nipped at her lover’s bottom lip, leaning back to pull at it. “You better hope you meet the True Death because I will not show you an once of mercy.”

Berdine swallowed, nodding her head. And if there happened to be a small smile touching her lips, well… That really couldn’t be helped.

“Wait.” Kahlan pulled away from Cara’s lips, grinning a little as Cara tried to follow hers. “Nicci is gone, right? Truly gone?” Cara’s eyes opened and Kahlan took no small amount of pride in the dazed look in them.

“Staked her myself. She’s nothing but stain on the rooftop now.”

Kahlan grimaced. “How poetic,” she said dryly. “But how? I mean… I thought she was too strong. Too powerful for you to…” She trailed off, seeing the thoughtful look on Cara’s face.

“That’s… a good question.” In all the excitement of getting to Kahlan and making sure she was alright, Cara had almost forgot what happened. “She was just about to remove my head when… something… It appeared someone had shot her in the head but I have no idea who--”

“Why not?” A voice caught their attention and Cara looked over to see Denna, Richard and Chase coming their way. Kahlan followed her line of sight.

“Because,” Richard said to Denna, his voice and body language brimming with exasperation. “You could hit someone.”

“Who?” Denna scoffed. “I was only going to aim it into the woods. I saw a can in your truck. I could try and hit that,” she said, like it was the most brilliant idea anyone had ever thought of.

“Denna. The rifle is not a toy--”

“Yeah, and I’m not a child.”

“Look--” Richard paused, taking a deep breath in. “How ’bout this? I promise to take you to a shooting range sometime.”

Denna narrowed her eyes at him. “When?”


“’Soon’ is vague. I’m looking for a non-vague answer.”

“Tomorrow. Is that non-vague enough for you?”

Denna pursed her lips, thinking. “Okay.”

They continued walking in silence for a moment.

“What time tomorrow?”


“Denna.” Kahlan grinned widely when they were close enough. She stood on her own, taking most of her weight off of Cara, but kept an arm wrapped around the vampire.

“Glad to see you’re still standing,” Denna said as she strutted up to her friend. Of course that was when Kahlan’s knees buckled a little, Cara holding her tighter to keep her from falling. Denna frowned. “Well… mostly.”

“I’m fine,” Kahlan smiled, wrapping her free arm around Denna. “I’m glad you’re all right,” she told her, before pulling back.

“Yeah, well,” Denna shrugged. “Glad you’re still in one piece.”

“Oh, Denna,” Kahlan teased. “You’re so sweet.”

“Please,” Denna snorted, rolling her eyes. “You know I can’t afford the rent without you.” Kahlan laughed.

Cara eyed the rifle strapped to Richard’s back. “I take it I have you to thank for the whole Nicci-not-ripping-my-head-off thing?” She asked blankly.

Richard ran a hand along the back of his neck, chuckling. “I told you I’d do whatever I could to help.”

Cara nodded, saying in a blank tone, “Well… Thank you.”

Richard grinned at her before turning his attention to Kahlan. “It’s good to see you made it. And to finally meet you.”

Kahlan eyebrows scrunched together as she stared hard at Richard. Cara watched her with a smirk.

“Actually, you two have already met,” the vampire told Richard, who looked at her confused. “In fact, if it weren’t for Kahlan, you would’ve staked me that night.” She nearly laughed at the shocked look on his face. “Not to mention, if it also weren’t for Kahlan, I would’ve ripped your heart from your chest after,” she explained, her voice light.

Richard’s lips formed an ‘oh’ and he looked sheepishly at Kahlan. “I guess I owe you as well, then,” he tried to joke. The look Kahlan was giving him was unnerving.

Kahlan turned to Cara. “How?” She asked, bewildered.

“It’s a long story. I’ll explain later.” Cara smiled softly.

Zedd cleared his throat. He had stood by and watched with a fond smile as everyone was reunited. “It’s getting late,” he said. “And I don’t know about you but I’m starving. Perhaps we should be off? I know Kahlan needs to rest now.”

“Zedd?” Cara stopped the wizard before he could head to the van, “What about Kahlan? And her… power?” She turned her concerned gaze to the brunette.

Zedd looked thoughtfully at Kahlan. “You will be all right, my dear. I promise you, I will do all that I can to help. And do my very best to teach you about your newly restored gift. But for now, the only thing I can advise is that you rest. We will start on all of that later.”

Kahlan looked down at her hand. She had so many questions. Part of her wanted to demand them right now. But Zedd was right. At this moment, her body was exhausted and she felt like she could sleep for a year. The answers could come later. Though not much later. She glanced back up and into the green, worried eyes of Cara.

Cara could see how much this was all weighing on Kahlan and it hurt to see the fear in her. Silently, she leaned forward to place a soft kiss on her lover’s forehead then another on her lips, trying to pour every once of assurance into her kiss as she could. “I will be here,” she whispered. “With you. Anything you need, Kahlan. I will give it to you.”

Kahlan pressed her own kiss against Cara’s lips and her voice was just as quiet.

“Thank you.”

(TBC. No seriously. It will be!)

Btw, I just want peeps to know, that I hated killing Nicci. Hated it hated it hated it! And I tried, TRIED, to come up with a way to keep her but dash it all, she's just too powerful and would get in the way of, what I like to call, PHASE 2. Or is it 3? Eh, whatev, the next shitstorm Imma throw at our girls. <3

legend of the seeker, fanfic: kahlan/cara

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