This comes courtesy of Lord
fragbert, and since I should actually use my LJ for something once in a while, I'm willing to play along.
Also, if you're old like me, let's try HEY YOUUUU GUUUUUUUU-UUUUUUYYYYYSSSSSSS
(because The Electric Company ruled)
Anyway, the meme. You, my wonderful and loyal (and hopefully still present and accounted-for) readers, comment below with a date and a subject, and I am honor-bound to talk about it on that date. Photo essay/entry requests are allowed. Encouraged, even. Bring it on, folks! Come partake of my vast tasty wisdom!
I'll update this entry with date and subject requests as I get them.
And so, the calendar as it stands:
November 1
November 2:
mitchy asked me to discuss why I do/don't follow any sports.
November 3
November 4:
bending_sickle thinks I should talk about horror movies: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
November 5:
i_calql8 inquires about my movie review of 'V for Vendetta'.
November 6:
lovellama wanted me to review the movie 'Predator'.
November 7
November 8:
mitchy decided that I should talk about puddings. The best, the worst, the one I can't live without.
November 9
November 10
November 11:
angledge told me to write about my plan for world peace.
November 12:
fragbert wants some dishing about some of my favorite dignitaries that I've dealt with at the UN.
November 13
November 14
November 15:
lovellama suggests a wacky story about one of my favorite countries I work with at the UN.
November 16
November 17:
lovellama asked me to tell a story about stupid people from a country that were just pig-headed stubborn and in the wrong but they couldn't/wouldn't see that it WAS THEM ALONG THAT WAS STUPID AND WRONG.
And hopefully the schadenfreude that came about when they got their comeuppance.
November 18:
trishalynn wants to know what I'd do if I was given $24 million dollars to spend in one 24-hour period any way I wanted, just as long as the money was given to help other people.
November 19
November 20
November 21
November 22:
germankitty proposes JFK and whatever legacy he left behind in my opinion.
November 23:
bending_sickle wondered what event and/or country would I wish work would send me over to do.
November 24:
sskipstress was wondering how she should celebrate her 42nd birthday.
November 25
November 26:
sskipstress is curious about my thoughts on presidential pardoning of turkeys.
November 27
November 28
November 29
November 30:
sskipstress noted that 30 Days hath September except after c sat upon nine pizzas.
Let's party like it's November 2015!