Historica -- Character Bible and Background Information

Jan 18, 2010 09:36

angelqueen04 presents
A “WTF Was She Thinking?” Production

Premise: History and time are fluid, easily subject to manipulation. A secret group, known simply as ‘the Organization’, stands ready from the shadows to preserve the timeline in its true form and has done so for many years. However, there are those who are not so noble in their intentions and work to exploit time and history for their own mysterious and sinister gain.

A war for control over time and space is about to begin, and the fighters are those that history has pitied or forgotten…

Main Cast
Abigail Wesley | Tiffani Thiessen
Richard Shrewsbury | Henry Cavill
Mary Seymour | Emilie Ullerup
Charles Bourbon | Bradley James
Edward Plantagenet | Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Eva | Torri Higginson

Supporting/Reoccurring Cast
Benjamin Clark | Richard Wilson
Elaine Pendleton | Danielle Panabaker
Alexander | Donald Sutherland
Philip | Michael Shanks


The Organization

Abigail Wesley | Tiffani Thiessen
Abigail is a history professor who is quite happy with her job. Born to moderately wealthy parents, she zipped through school and settled in nicely at Ohio University, well away from the society her parents kept and still keeps in New York. She has her students, her dog Lottie, and her lovely little home not far from campus. However, a single dinner with a guest speaker for one of her classes turns her world upside down. Now she is the new head of the Organization in the cusp of a war that she knows little about, not to mention dealing with subordinates who fight not just the enemy, but also the darkness within their own hearts. She has to learn the ropes of her new position, and learn quickly, because it's not just lives on the line, but reality itself.


Richard Shrewsbury | Henry Cavill
Remembered in history as Richard, Duke of York, and the younger of the two “Princes in the Tower”, Richard was, along with his elder brother, saved from death at the hands of Henry Stafford, the Duke of Buckingham. Now he is the Organization’s chief agent, leading the others in the field. Tough, no-nonsense, and a capable leader, he now has to deal with a supervisor with no experience or preparation for the position of the Organization's leader. He also has a near-rabid hatred for the mysterious group that is now opposing and interfering with the Organization’s duties, though he cannot for certain ascertain why. Not that he shares such information with anyone, least of all Abigail Wesley.


Mary Seymour | Emilie Ullerup
The little-recalled daughter of Catherine Parr and her fourth husband, Thomas Seymour, Mary was a sickly infant on the verge of death when she was rescued by the Organization at the behest of her guardian, Katherine Willoughby Brandon, the Dowager-Duchess of Suffolk. Raised within the Organization, she is fierce and deadly, little resembling the kind and gentle woman her mother is remembered as being. Though she has little patience dealing with "newbies" like Abigail Wesley, despite her tough exterior, she does demonstrate some measure of patience with Charles Bourbon and his sometimes silly sense of humor.


Charles Bourbon | Bradley James
Remembered as Louis XVII, the second son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, Charles was pulled from his cell just moments from death during the hellfire of the French Revolution. Ironically, he is the historian of the group, the one who provides background information for the missions that his fellow agents embark on. He is naturally cheerful, certainly much more so than Richard Shrewsbury and Mary Seymour, and he quickly connects with Abigail Wesley because of it. He even has been known to make Mary smile on occasion. Despite this, however, he still suffers from the terrible events of his childhood, most especially the torture he himself suffered at the hands of the revolutionaries. Charles rarely speaks of what he endured, though history itself records his sufferings.

~*~ ~*~


Edward Plantagenet | Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Richard’s older brother and remembered as Edward VI of England, Edward is also a former member of the Organization. Embitterment from having his life and birthright stolen from him eventually overtook his good sense and training, and he left the Organization by faking his own death. His body was never recovered, nor was any of the technology he had with him, thus allowing him to make good use of it for his own reasons. During this time, he slowly begins building up his own faction, intent on extorting as much as he can from the timeline so that he may in time gain ultimate mastery over it. He recently revealed himself to his brother, hoping to entice him to join him, but when Richard refused, Edward was forced to wipe the memory of the encounter from Richard’s mind. Despite this setback, he feels that the time is ripe for him to act, with a new, inexperienced leader heading up the Organization.


Eva | Torri Higginson
Edward’s financial backer, her motives are clouded in mystery. Not even Edward entirely knows why, and she occasionally imparts painful reminders for him to stay out of her business. She is, however, very interested in Abigail Wesley’s presence as the new head of the Organization.

~*~ ~*~


Benjamin F. Clark | Richard Wilson
Abigail’s predecessor within the Organization and a doctor of history. He agrees to speak to one of her classes and afterward joins her for dinner. During the meal, however, someone opens fire on them and during their escape, Benjamin is wounded. Though they are rescued quickly afterward by Mary, Ben eventually succumbs to the injury. Before he dies, however, he leaves his position to Abigail.


Elaine Pendleton | Danielle Panabaker
Abigail Wesley’s TA. Highly stressed with juggling her job, her schoolwork, and her fiancé, her state of mind is hardly helped when her boss suddenly starts behaving secretly and oddly. She keeps a close watch on Abigail, trying to find out what the professor’s problem is, while doing her best to make sure the grading is finished before the bratty undergrads start beating down the door.


Alexander | Donald Sutherland
Perhaps one of the oldest members of the Organization, he is remembered as Alexander Helios, one of the two sons of Cleopatra VII and Marc Antony. He is a veritable spymaster, trainer, and confidant for many of the field agents. He is concerned these days about Richard Shrewsbury’s behavior concerning the latest cases, and is discretely beginning to investigate.


Philip | Michael Shanks
The illegitimate son of Richard I ‘the Lionheart’, seen only in flashbacks. He was partnered with Edward and the two were very close friends. He was killed on the same mission that Edward faked his death on. When the Organization learns of Edward’s survival, they begin to look more closely at Philip’s death, fearing Edward may have murdered him in his quest to go rogue.


The Organization
The details of when and how the Organization was created are, ironically, lost to history. It is made up of a group of people who utilize highly advanced technology to safeguard the timeline from malicious interference. The members of the Organization are headed by a supervisor, who oversees the field agents and support staff. The supervisor is answerable to a shadowy figure known only as ‘the Chief Executive’, someone who apparently maintains a decentralized sense of leadership.

The headquarters of the Organization are located ‘outside of time’, the consequence of this being that it slows the aging process of human beings down exponentially. As a result of this impaired aging, members of the Organization only age significantly when they are within the timeline. Like the Organization’s origins, how and why the headquarters were created is a mystery.

!character bibles, author: angelqueen04

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