new avas!

Aug 08, 2008 15:34

aim sorry that i didn't post anything yesterday but i was too busy for LJ ^^
anyway, you know the rules, credit me if you use them.

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Comments 4

billmylove August 9 2008, 16:06:54 UTC
how cute, LoL!!! Lovely job!!! (:


chaos_imsystem August 10 2008, 12:02:40 UTC
thank you sweety *ç*


cristy22 August 10 2008, 22:40:59 UTC
These are all amazing, I said most of them and will credit when I use. I need to make some room for new icons.


chaos_imsystem August 10 2008, 22:45:22 UTC
i'm so glad you like them ^^ thanks! <3


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