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Comments 13

yamamanama August 3 2013, 18:27:18 UTC
It looks so different from today.


chantalzola August 3 2013, 18:27:43 UTC
I know!!! Kind of trippy for lack of a more articulate way to express myself.


yamamanama August 3 2013, 18:33:08 UTC
Yeah. Is that building still there? It looks familiar.

Also, did you see the stuff from the craft museum I posted?


chantalzola August 3 2013, 18:53:45 UTC
Which building? The NYC one or the Fenway one?

No I haven't! I'm behind on LJ, I'll deifnitely check it out, thanks!


lupinlover August 3 2013, 20:49:20 UTC
what is that building in NYC? Part of Columbia?


chantalzola August 5 2013, 18:33:50 UTC
It's in the Bronx. Looks like it could be part of Columbia though, but it's not. It's by Bronx Community College.


due27south August 3 2013, 22:08:21 UTC
Ah I should see if I can work any into my scrapbooks!


chantalzola August 5 2013, 18:34:02 UTC
If you can, let me know and I'll give you a special deal on them <3


zvezda January 28 2015, 22:04:37 UTC
Random request: As we have a few friends in common and a mutual hobby, would you be interested in being friends on here?


chantalzola January 28 2015, 22:13:23 UTC
Totally! I'll dd you right now <3


zvezda January 28 2015, 22:21:29 UTC
Excellent! I've added you :)


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