(no subject)

May 25, 2008 13:01

So, since this issue has not invaded Ye Mighty Flist (and the overall numbers are low) here, have a reminder. I do actually feel strongly about the LJ Advisory Board, though only in the sense that I feel strongly about anything I have the option to vote in.

I do not feel strongly about it as a fandomer, however. I don't feel particularly persecuted in fandom right now, and I've made my peace with LJ's asshattery (my fandom googles themselves, fucking hell.) but whether you're in fandom or not, I think there's a clear choice of who not to vote for.

First, the numbers as of 5/24/08, 13:00
jameth - 2508 (17.8%)
legomymalfoy - 3785 (26.9%)
rm - 1522 (10.8%)
vichan - 707 (5.0%)

Second, the reason you should vote, whether you are in a fandom or not:
jameth is, to put it bluntly, not the sort of person I imagine you want representing you. Whether you're down with fandom or not, do you really want to have, sitting across the table from the guy who wrote Free Culture, the sort of person who would encourage his supporters to invade posts made by known epileptics using flashing icons? What about having someone who doesn't have a statement to put forth being the person to represent you?

My interactions with jameth are practically nonexistent; possibly back in the day he popped up in post put up by another charmer that specifically went after me, but whatever. I only know him by reputation - but his reputation's not good. I say that so it's clear that this is not me going after him as some sort of weird revenge.

To quote icarusancalion:
I've nothing against this guy personally, but I don't like his paranoid campaign and troll history.
jameth attacked fandom once he fell behind, accusing us of sockpuppeting with up to 200 puppets per fandomer (seriously?) all based on an "anonymous tip." (Other moments that smack of conspiracy theories include fears that LJ is locking in votes and jameth blaming legomymalfoy for a supporter being kicked off IRC chat by burr86.) Let's not forget the backhanded pre-emptive swipes at all the candidates, with the caption "I don't think _my_ platform is going to change. Not sure about anyone else's, though." Not someone I would want to work with.)

Longstanding fandomers like telesilla (whom you might remember from her reporting of strikethrough and FanLib), bethbethbeth, caras_galadhon and others, remind us jameth is a known troll.

But hey, let's plague an epileptic's journal with flashing icons!
So I guess it should come as no surprise that his supporters are deliberately posting flashing icons in the comments of an epileptic's journal. At least one other epileptic has been affected, so turn off graphics if you click to rydra-wong's journal. The bigdecision08 community which is run by three jameth supporters has posted about this, unfortunately directing jameth's supporters to her journal. I've asked jameth what, since he's seeking a leadership role and has been comfortable telling people to vote for him in all three categories, does he have to say about this? So far, although he's fine with directing people to vote for him and then null out in all categories, not a peep. To rydra-wong it's not his problem. Nice guy.

And now, back to my words. There's also some discussion here: Linked completely without permission because I am a bad person.

I also know someone on LJ who has worked with jameth in real life and does not have complimentary things to say about his skills with dealing with people. And that is not someone I really want to see representing me to a body that is already well sceptical of their users. I don't care if the person in question holds a position in fandom or not, but I do care that the person in question not be a complete asshatted troll.

And if you want to have some real fun, go look at jameth's journal right now. Honeychild, if I could sockpuppet to keep that position away from you, I would.

So there are two things to do.
Post about the Livejournal representative election.
The poll closes at 9:00 PDT Thursday, May 29, 2008.

And may god help us all if jameth wins.

lj crusader

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