I'm thinking a young one, but not a kitten. I wouldn't want to fuck up its training and there are lots of grown cats that need good homes. A friend of mine just got a cat from eBay Kleinanzeigen and the system looks pretty good.
The thing with young cats is that you usually cannot keept them alone, at least if you keep them in the house only.
Of course, I don't think you can really fuck up the training. Spock was my first cat and when I got him he was three months old. And he turned out all right. ;-)
Nah, I'm definitely looking for a cat that is used to being by itself, there are quite a few. Actually there's probably a cat of every kind on that page, there's like 50 new offers a day for my city alone o_O
I have met cats that were definitely fucked up. Badly. A friend of mine left her kitten alone all the time (why get one then?!) and it turned into an absolute psycho of a cat. Question is, as always, was that nurture or nature?
You should post more cat pics again, your boys are adorable :D
Noch ein Vorteil von Katzen: Man hat weitaus länger Zeit um sie zu lieben. Ich mag deswegen keine Mäuse mehr haben, man hängt ja doch dran und ich hatte ständig das Gefühl nur mit "Beerdigungen" beschäftigt zu sein :/
Planst du auf ein Kätzchen oder holst du dir auch eine ausgewachsene Findelkatze?
Similar,yes. We have this huge pet shelter here, but the cats there are used to living with dozens of other cats and most are kind of shy. So I'm going for classifieds, there are lots of people selling / giving away their cats because of allergies or small children.
oh very cool. that seems like an excellent plan. i'm living on campus this summer and i want to get an apartment where i can bring my cat/get a new cat, but now i have to choose between having a cat and living with my cat-allergic best friend. D: WOE.
Comments 33
Of course, I don't think you can really fuck up the training. Spock was my first cat and when I got him he was three months old. And he turned out all right. ;-)
I have met cats that were definitely fucked up. Badly. A friend of mine left her kitten alone all the time (why get one then?!) and it turned into an absolute psycho of a cat. Question is, as always, was that nurture or nature?
You should post more cat pics again, your boys are adorable :D
So will I in autumn. :D
Meine Mäuschen! ^_______^ ♥ Kaum zu glauben dass nur noch 2 davon leben. Aber der schwarze, Eddie, ist sogar auf deinem Icon.^^
Planst du auf ein Kätzchen oder holst du dir auch eine ausgewachsene Findelkatze?
Dann hab ich auch noch was zum liebhaben, wenn mein Kater (bzw. Mitbewohner) mich verlässt. :)
Du kannst Paten Crazy Cat Lady sein, wenn du mit aussuchen kommst *g*
Dann ist die Katze ein armes Scheidungskind. :(
Jaaaaaa, ich will sowieso unbedingt mit! Ab nächster Woche habe ich auch wieder mehr Zeit.
If I'll get the apartment my cat will move with me. Couldn't live without her.
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