[Appalachia, 16th century.]

Dec 12, 2010 22:49

He remembers seeing the slow formation of this new country uncountable years past, from a much higher vantage point than he's got right now. Several hundred miles inland, the earth humps up into shallow ridges like the scales on a dragon's back -- shallow, at least, compared to the spot he picked to spend all his time before now. It'll do, though.

Homesick isn't the word for it. It's more like...wistful, he guesses. There was a while there where he didn't see much of anything besides an underground cavern and a whole bunch of sinews-turned-chains around his wrists.

The snow rises deep around his legs. He moves through it with ease as he scales the mountain, bundled in furs that he doesn't really need, listening to the wind whipping past. Further up the way, a cave burrows into the mountainside.

When he notices the orange light flickering inside, and the horse tied up beside its entrance, he pauses to frown.
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