Softly, softly

Mar 26, 2011 16:05

Title: Softly, Softly
Author: Rebecka
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Rating: PG-13
Summary There's a first time for everything, but Kurt never thought this first would be so amazing.
Note: Something short about something beautiful.
Extract: Kurt's cheeks were blushing, his whole body had blushed at some point, but it was fading now, he was going pale there in his boyfriends arms.


Softly, Softly
Birds conversing in the stillness of spring:


There was a soft movement in the bed as Blaine stirred, pulling the fluffy duvet further up over Kurt's bare back. The stillness in the room was wonderful, a gentle breeze dancing with the curtains, soft rays of sunlight flickering across the bed. Kurt rested his head against Blaine's chest, feeling the warmth of him there. Never in his life had he imagined what this exact moment would be like. How Blaine's fingers gently drew circles up and down his arm, how all they could hear was the sound of the birds singing to each other outside.

With what they'd just done, with Blaine being careful and gentle and a real gentleman towards how nervous Kurt had been, never in his life would he have imagined this very moment. When their shaky breaths had stopped shaking. When their rapid heartbeats had slowed down. When the movement of the bed had gone still. When all of this had ended, Kurt had never thought that it would get even better.

Blaine had opened the windows, sending in a fresh spring breeze, the silence of the afternoon was overwhelming. He'd fetched a fluffy duvet from a chair and placed it gently over Kurt. He'd crawled in so very close, both of them still fully undressed, and he'd kissed Kurt's lips oh so gently.

From that very moment, they had just been lying there. Kurt had snuggled closer, pressing the bridge of his nose up against Blaine's chin, holding on to his hand. And Blaine had smiled, cheeks rosy, lips a little swollen, hair in a mess. Kurt's cheeks were blushing, his whole body had blushed at some point, but it was fading now, he was going pale there in his boyfriends arms.

All that could be heard was the sound of the birds outside, and sometimes the wind rattling through Kurt's things. Sometimes Blaine sighed, out of calmness and happiness, and sometimes Kurt did as well. They still had a few hours before Kurt's family would come home from work and football practice, but as for now, they just laid there. Lost in a moment after the moment, a moment neither one of them had expected to be so overwhelmed by. But they were. And it was wonderful.




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