[Set to right after the explosion.] You- the ship! There's something happening to the ship.
[He's sounding panicked. About as panicked as he was when Frostmourne was on the loose.] The old girl! She's scared! I can hear it! I need to- Admiral! Take me back at once! Admiral please!
They're eating it alive!.
Private to the Admiral )
I'm sorry.
You were going to leave without saying anything? Not even a letter?
You can't expect people to go out of their way to do properly by you if you can't do as much for them. [He's so upset. But still...] You're not hurt, are you?
What would have happened if I'd told you, Doctor? Or if I'd... waved goodbye from the communicator?
[Pausing.] No. [He swallows.] I never wanted to hurt her. I wouldn't have done it if I'd known they could have... [Eaten, but he won't say that.] damaged her.
At the very least, very least, your passion to be rid of this place led you to ignore very basic scientific principles you should have looked in on. -And good-byes. They're not just parting. They're letting someone know that you actually meant something to them. That's why they're difficult. That's what they're about, telling someone that you care enough about them that you're not casting them aside and they're worth a spare fault.
You do mean something to me.
You could have had it! You could have stopped revelling in other people's misery and stop simpering in your own. You could have realized people just died to save you. THEY DIED TO SAVE YOU REX!! No mind control. No nanomites. They didn't even know you well. But they knew what that woman was, they knew she was dangerous, and they died and you came out of it.
How did you show your appreciation? You tried destroyed their home and nearly killed them again.
I hope the price of freedom was worth it. Worth me and worth everyone that tried for you, even after you used them as cannon fodder. But I don't want to hear you whining over your victimization again when you keep casting aside everyone who made your life better.
And you're deluded if you think those 'heroes' rushed in there for me. They didn't do it for me; they would've done it for anybody. Why should I assign some special, personal significance to that?
You don't understand. They made my life better while in captivity. They made it tolerable, for a prison. Friendship on the Barge is a salve, something nice, soothing, distracting, but not a cure. At the end of the day, with all my friends, I was still a prisoner.
Was Frances worth discarding too? Do you think I'm not a prisoner? I have access to resources but I'm bound to this ship because I'm dead. I was considering going ahead and proceeding with my death because I wasn't sure I could assist anyone anymore. I appreciate the argument in favor of it. It'll make my decision easier. The last thing I want to do is contribute to the making of another Master.
You're telling me I should have chosen to remain in a cage, that trying to free myself is comparable to genocide.
The consequences might have been accidental, but you didn't care what the results were anyway. You just wanted to be free. What about Iago, did he know? Narvin? Wanda? Amanda? Frances? Trip? Robert? Shego? Your sister? What about me. ...Not only do we not get good-byes. We're not even worth an afterthought to you.
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