In the fell clutch of circumstance...I am not very bloody but actually quite bowed.

Jun 29, 2016 12:36

Ugh. I am so utterly depressed by every single thing at the moment. I am currently swearing off Twitter and the actual news because everything about this fucking referendum has got me so angry and sad and helpless that I can hardly breathe from it, which is both a massive overreaction and extremely unproductive. So, no more news, at least until ( Read more... )

politics, theatre

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Comments 2

osprey_archer June 29 2016, 12:53:30 UTC
Oh, a trip to St. Petersburg! That sounds delightful. I've always wanted to go. What was it like?


chaletian June 29 2016, 13:02:04 UTC
It was so fantastic! The buildings/museums were incredible, and it was just so interesting to be somewhere quite different (albeit for a given value of different - it's pretty much European there). The language barrier etc did make for some culture shock but tbh that was mostly down to my own weirdo inability to communicate with any human being, even in my own language! I would definitely recommend going; I'm dying to go again.


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