"All live to die, and rise to fall."

Sep 30, 2013 12:10

Jizzy fucking Chrizzy, will someone please just shoot Osborne. He’s such a fucking tosspot. Please explain to me, Georgie, what the fuck is the point of forcing a whole load of people to go to a Jobcentre every single day. Oh no, wait, there is no point, plus I find it hard to imagine that Jobcentres these days are actually staffed to be able to ( Read more... )

larking, politics, tv, theatre

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Comments 9

tree_and_leaf September 30 2013, 11:44:42 UTC
fundamentally unlikely, given his profession and state in life, that he did not just make a fricking will.

I also find it incredible that Robert would let his daughter get married without insisting on seeing that a will was made as part of the settlement before the marriage took place. Although I suppose we've established that Robert has no sense whatever...


chaletian September 30 2013, 11:54:59 UTC
Exactly! I mean, one does an awful lot of willingly suspending one's disbelief during Downton, but I really think this particular plot point is straining credulity too far. Also, no need for it: Robert would have been just as pissed off and resistant if Matthew had left everything to Mary in a proper will as in a letter.


ankaret September 30 2013, 13:35:39 UTC
Atlantis struck me as a criminal waste of Juliet Stevenson.


chaletian September 30 2013, 14:58:03 UTC
Definitely. I mean, I love a cheesy teatime drama (oh, Merlin), but Atlantis was just a bit rubbish.


osprey_archer September 30 2013, 13:41:37 UTC
Ugh, Downton Abbey. I loved the first season so much, what happened, Downton! I stopped watching midway through season 3, and this does not sound like I should pick it back up.

I am disturbed by the concept of twinkly-eyed Bates.


chaletian September 30 2013, 14:58:53 UTC
That is the correct reaction. It just wasn't right.

Yeah, the standard of Downton never lived up to season one, but I do mostly still enjoy its extraordinary ridiculousness.


nzraya September 30 2013, 14:49:38 UTC
But what about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Haz you any thinky thoughts about that? I found it underwhelming....


chaletian September 30 2013, 14:56:55 UTC
Well. I sort of don't, because I was largely paying more attention to my laptop than than the show, which I suspect is telling in and of itself. I dunno, maybe I need to watch it again? I laughed in a few places, but I can barely remember the plot. I am prepared to give it room to grow, though!


katherinea September 30 2013, 20:31:24 UTC
I harbour a longstanding hatred for Osbourne, but he is being a complete dick. As I could say pretty much any day of the week.

Yes, 3G, where are thou?

2. Gotta have a secret letter or it wouldn't be the cliche-ridden tosh that it is. Still very watchable tosh though.

4. Don't care about Bates. Never did.

6. I am enjoying the Dowager right now although in the past I feel she has wobbled on the edge of a 'here for one lines only precipice' ]

And my Internet is shit and so it ate my comment and I had to type it all out again. See my love and dedication?


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