Title: Did Someone Eat A Red Pill?
chaletianFandom: SPN/Leverage
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Summary: What are the odds you’d have so many FBI agents in such a small town? Sequel to
A Dead Body, A Lot of Cash, and a Whole Heap of Crazy.
In another small town in another state, there’s a series of missing girls and some sort of hinky happenings with a local chemical plant.
Nobody’s surprised when the FBI show up. Except maybe the FBI agents who are already there.
The FBI agent standing with a deputy sheriff is tall and attractive and only slightly bow-legged. His eyes light up noticeably when he sees the female agent approaching. “Well, I don’t believe it,” he drawls. “Nice to see you again, Agent Rowling. No Agent Lewis today?”
The blonde woman stares at him silently, then sniffs in an appropriately FBI manner, and hooks her thumbs in her belt. “Agent Bonham. This is Agent…”
“Agent Hamill,” says her partner, a tall young man, stepping forward to shake hands. “Nice to meet you.”
“Oh, any partner of Agent Rowling is a friend of mine,” says Agent Bonham, flashing an impossibly sincere grin. “Though don’t you tend to, uh, ride with Agent Ford?”
Agent Hamill shakes his head sadly, turning to Agent Rowling. “Why’d people have to bring that up?” She pats him on the shoulder briefly.
“It’s tough. So, um, isn’t Agent… Page with you?”
“He’s checking out another lead. You here about the girls?”
“Chemical plant.”
“Right. Well, good seeing you again, Agent Rowling.” He nods at her partner. “Agent Hamill.”
“Agent Bonham.”
The deputy looks from one agent to another to another in disbelief. “Come on. Seriously. What, do all you guys, like, watch The Matrix in training or something?”
He wonders if he was that far off the next day, when little Susie Baxter swears blind that half the contents of the chemical plant just vanished into thin air, while three teenagers are returned safe and sound to their homes, with no apparent memories of what happened to them. But he’s too busy arresting the plant owner over her protestations of a set-up to worry about it too much.