Title: A Haunting on Pennsylvania Avenue, 7/? Author: chaletian Fandom: Supernatural/The West Wing Rating: PG Characters: Ensemble Spoilers: None so far Summary: So, Margaret was right about the salt.
I never ever comment on fic I've read (shy, not rude, swear!!), but I couldn't help myself. I have been missing West Wing so much and loving Supernatural so much and you brought it together for an absolute joy of a read. (hope my first feedback ever doesn't sound too...silly)
Thank you, cause this has made my week!!
Oh yes, this here:
“I think I should really point out that my name is Sam too,” said Sam, only to be promptly ignored.
*dies* I laughed so loud I nearly woke up everyone in the house. Awesome!
Comments 7
And Dean was awesome in this chapter. :)
Thank you, cause this has made my week!!
Oh yes, this here:
“I think I should really point out that my name is Sam too,” said Sam, only to be promptly ignored.
*dies* I laughed so loud I nearly woke up everyone in the house. Awesome!
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