Title: A Haunting on Pennsylvania Avenue, 6/?
chaletianFandom: Supernatural/The West Wing
Rating: PG
Characters: Ensemble
Spoilers: None so far
Summary: Josh talks Leo into meeting the Winchesters.
“Josh, have you lost your mind?” demanded Leo, standing up from his chair behind the wide mahogany desk he favoured.
“Leo, I know it sounds a little far out…”
“Far out? Far out? Josh, you’ve got to stop listening to Margaret. God knows she’s a great assistant, but when it comes to this kind of thing, the woman is a lunatic!”
“It’s not Margaret.” Leo flapped a hand, and sat down again.
“Whatever. Look, Ron Butterfield and his agents are going over the place with a fine tooth comb. They’ve got guys double-checking the hate mail we’ve been getting. Health & Safety are doing an audit of the entire West Wing.”
“I know,” interrupted Josh, a scowl creasing his forehead. “I had an encounter with one of their risk management nazis earlier.”
Leo sighed. “Are they still on speaking terms with the Administration?”
Josh shrugged, and pulled a face. “Dunno. I left her with Donna.”
“Well, that sounds…”
“Donna was showing her all the places where she - Donna, I mean - could conceivably meet her death because the White House doesn’t comply with regulations about work place safety.”
“She seemed pretty pleased at the opportunity.”
“Leo, I think we have to hear these guys out. I think they could have a point. I mean, I know it’s weird and… insane, but I think they have a point. And if it is a… a ghost - and yeah, I know exactly how ridiculous that sounds, and God knows there is no way we can, y’know, pay these guys and have it itemised on the White House financial disclosures, because the Republicans will bury us - then I think these might be the guys to help us.” Josh’s face was intense as he leaned forward, and Leo sighed and rubbed a hand over his chin. It was insane, no two ways about it. Ghosts weren’t real. They couldn’t be real. And yet - what other explanation could there be? He took a deep breath.
“MARGARET!” Margaret’s head appeared around the door, eyebrows raised in enquiry. “Get me the senior staff!” Margaret’s head disappeared, and Leo turned back to Josh, who grinned.
“What shall we tell the President?” he asked.
“As little as possible,” replied Leo. “I think when it comes to hiring a couple of… of ghost busters, plausible deniability is fairly essential.”
. . .
“Please tell me we’re not seriously having this discussion?” Toby was blazing with righteous indignation. “Just because a couple of charlatans talk their way into the building?”
“You need to keep an open mind,” countered Josh, as he walked alongside the Communications Director, Leo, CJ and Sam following behind.
“I have an open mind! My mind is wide open. That doesn’t make me an idiot, which seems to be where you went wrong this morning, Josh!”
“Toby may have something approaching a point,” commented CJ. “Do you know how the press corps would have responded if I told them the real reason I booted them out of the briefing room?”
“Dean and Sam said the spirit was probably released when we renovated the briefing room,” said Josh.
“Dean and Sam? We’re listening to two kids called Dean and Sam?” Toby pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’ve always been a madman, Josh, but this is taking it to a whole new level.”
“I think it’s kind of neat,” said Sam. Toby turned and glared at him.
“Shut up, Sam.”
“Okay,” Sam replied peaceably.
“When this is done, we will never mention it again.”
“Absolutely not.”
“We will pretend it never happened.”
“Yes we will.”
“Guys,” interrupted Josh, his hand on the press room door, “we’re here.”