Title: A Haunting on Pennsylvania Avenue, 5/? Author: chaletian Fandom: Supernatural/The West Wing Rating: PG Characters: Ensemble Spoilers: None so far Summary: Dean and Sam visit the West Wing.
Only very quietly you know, what with boss next door and all but oh Donna ♥ That exchange is straight out of an episode only, you know, without the ghosts :D
Josh, poor poor poor Josh. He is but a puppet on strings. I loved this. I loved Dean in this chapter. “And that’s all true, apart from the part where you have a ghost.”
Comments 9
Only very quietly you know, what with boss next door and all but oh Donna ♥ That exchange is straight out of an episode only, you know, without the ghosts :D
Josh, poor poor poor Josh. He is but a puppet on strings. I loved this. I loved Dean in this chapter. “And that’s all true, apart from the part where you have a ghost.”
This was so Josh!
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