Title: A Haunting on Pennsylvania Avenue, 2/?
chaletianFandom: Supernatural/The West Wing
Rating: PG
Characters: Ensemble
Spoilers: None so far
Summary: The White House cannot possibly be haunted, because there are no such things as ghosts. CJ is quite sure on that point.
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Comments 10
Oh you just know Margaret, Donna & co are the ones who are going to know about salt and such like *g*
CJ maybe needs to not make deals with ghosties... that generally doesn't end well and yet I feel if anyone could CJ could *nods*
Is Mrs Landingham still around in this? Because I'd love to know her thoughts on the matter! She would totally give Sam and Dean cookies.
I know nothing at all about Supernatural (sad for me) but the West Wing stuff was right on - and anything with a paranoid Margaret is a win for me. :-)
Poor Sam. He's always wanted to go... I wonder if it'll live up to expectations.
*hearts Toby*
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