Title: A Haunting on Pennsylvania Avenue, 1/?
chaletianFandom: Supernatural/The West Wing
Rating: PG
Characters: Ensemble
Spoilers: None so far
Summary: The White House cannot possibly be haunted, because there are no such things as ghosts. CJ is quite sure on that point.
CJ Cregg, the White House Press Secretary, ruthlessly quashed the giant, exasperated sigh she longed to heave. They had covered the decision to impose trade sanctions on a troublesome Balkan state, the passage of an appropriations bill, and the menu of an upcoming state dinner. Shy of Josh having precipitated some new disaster of which she was still blissfully ignorant, there was only one more place for this press briefing to go. She pointed at a reporter, and took a deep breath.
“Yes, Steve.”
“CJ, does the White House have any comment on the sudden spate of so-called accidents happening throughout the West Wing?”
“Steve, they are ‘so-called’ accidents because they are, wait for it, accidents. We have investigated each incident carefully, and are satisfied beyond any doubt that they are merely, as the name suggests, accidental.”
“Doesn’t it seem a little too coincidental that in the past couple of months, six White House staff members have been injured?”
“Steve, are you suggesting that there is a conspiracy afoot to destroy the Executive Office of the President - on a person by person basis?”
“I mean, I know if these incidents had been happening to members of the press corps, I sure wouldn’t want anyone searching my gym locker. C’mon, guys. They’re accidents. We’re bringing in Health & Safety to carefully go over the building and make sure we’re taking all measures we can to prevent any of these incidents recurring. And that’s all for now. This show’ll be back in town at two.” With that, she strode off the podium and out the back of the room, to be met by her assistant.
“Leo wants to see senior staff in his office.” Carol removed the press folder CJ was carrying, and handed over another pile of papers as they made their way to CJ’s office.
“And you had three calls from Todd.”
“Who’s Todd?” CJ raised an eyebrow, plucked another file from Carol’s arms, smiled, and went on her way. Her way, unsurprisingly, coincided with that of Joshua Lyman, the Deputy Chief of Staff.
“So, Donna says the White House is haunted.”
“Donna’s been listening to the press too much.”
“I think she might be right.”
“Josh, the White House is not haunted. You know why?”
“Because there’s no such thing as ghosts?”
“Because there’s no such thing as ghosts.”
“I hear that a lot.”
“That’s because it’s true.”
“Scientific studies have shown that there might be evidence to support the existence of phantasmal entities.”
“Phantasmal entities?”
“The White House isn’t haunted, Josh.” They reached Leo’s office, and Margaret nodded them in. Leo sat in state behind his desk; Toby and Sam around the table. Leo looked enquiringly at the newcomers, and the heavy wooden door slammed behind them with a deep, ominous thunder. CJ looked warily behind her, pressed her hand to her eyes, and sighed.
“Guys, I think the White House is haunted.”
. . .
A few hundred miles away, in a cheap and fairly nasty motel room, Dean and Sam Winchester were looking for their next job, each in his own favoured method. For Sam, this meant internet research. Sam had google-fu, and he knew how to use it. For Dean, it was the Weekly World News. Hey, it had pictures of alien babies. What more could you need? He was leafing carefully through when an article caught his eye. He read on, fascinated.
“Hey, Dean?”
“I think there might be a banshee in Wilmington. Wanna check it out?”
“Local newspapers report… Dean? Are you listening?”
“Huh?” Sam sighed, and rolled his eyes. He loved his brother. Yes, he truly did. But no-one could deny that Dean Winchester was occasionally a burden too heavy for even the best brother to bear.
“We need to go to Washington.”
Dean looked up from his newspaper, and grinned. “D.C.”
“Okay. And we need to go, why?”
Dean’s grin only grew wider as he flourished the article that had so entranced him. “Cuz the White House is haunted, and it’s our duty as citizens to save the President.” Sam looked at him. Dean looked back, then consulted the paper again. “Also, the First Lady just gave birth to alien triplets, and I would pay good money to see that.”