005 - [voice/action ]

Apr 30, 2010 19:31

[Today there is a Liberator dragging his sorry self back into the village, and cursing the Malnosso for dumping him on the opposite end of the village from his destination. He doesn't look too bad for returning from a kidnapping, although he's bruised his lip somehow and his white shirt appears to be stuck to his chest by little spots of dried ( Read more... )

;katie, you best come help me ed, ;edward, wanted: one boot, ;buffy, oh come on!, .action, ;svala, .voice, and there was much blaspheming, *ic, ended in blood, ;cloud

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halgitamilf May 1 2010, 14:49:50 UTC
[And Svala will be waiting EAGERLY for his arrival at the house.]



[Action] chaincutter May 1 2010, 21:49:11 UTC
[And blocked.

Way to be insistent, Svala. Fine, you want him to take his shirt off so you can see his tiny insignificant needle-prick scratches, he'll take his shirt off. And when he can't look you in the eye for a week, it's your fault.]


[Action] halgitamilf May 2 2010, 03:15:46 UTC
[Oh would you stoppit, child?]



[Action] chaincutter May 2 2010, 03:30:09 UTC
What? I am- [He yanks his shirt up and gets a little tangled in it, so this part is muffled] surrendering.

[He's apparently suffering from a few dozen little needle mark, generally within the lines of his lunaglyph. There. Goodbye, stupid white shirt. You caused him entirely too much trouble.]


[Action] halgitamilf May 2 2010, 06:33:52 UTC
[Surrender faster.

...oh heck. They're along his lunaglyph. That scares her.]


[Action] chaincutter May 2 2010, 07:02:42 UTC
I'm alright. [Maybe. Probably. But "I'm probably alright." isn't very soothing, and he'd like Svala to feel better, not worse.]


[Action] halgitamilf May 2 2010, 07:04:21 UTC
I do not like this. [Excuse her forwardness, but she will trace the pinpricks with her finger. She'll probably try to use her power to see if she can figure something out, too.]


[Action] chaincutter May 2 2010, 07:30:42 UTC
[He feels a bit tired and rattled, but no more warped than usual. The general feel of Volsung is a little closer to the surface than normal; but coping with abduction, experimentation, and Leonid is a lot to ask of a teenager, even one as self-possessed as Sigmund. She is also touching his glyph directly.] I know.


[Action] halgitamilf May 2 2010, 16:14:55 UTC
[Well, she'd meant the pinpricks along the lunaglyph. ...well, and the lunaglyph itself. She wished she'd heard about this beforehand, though she's not sure if she'd have forbade it or not.

Yup; it's a little strange, it's almost as if he has two souls but not really. But she does sense a lot more Volsung than usual, and it makes her heart ache for a little bit before she drops her hand.]

...would you prefer I not attempt to heal you?


[Action] chaincutter May 2 2010, 16:35:28 UTC
There is no one else I could ask. [This is his lunaglyph. He's not about to let just anyone start messing with it. Who knows what horrors an uninformed healer could cause?]

If you think it unwise...


[Action] halgitamilf May 2 2010, 17:12:33 UTC
I do not know if it will be successful. [She remembers the trouble he had with being healed -or rather, not being healed- back when he was younger, before he left Halgita.]

But I will make my best effort.


[Action] chaincutter May 2 2010, 17:41:00 UTC
[He knows what she's thinking about, it's an association that comes up in his mind every time he needs a healer. He puts a hand on her- ...arm, that's nice and neutral.] If it doesn't work, it is not your fault.


[Action] halgitamilf May 2 2010, 18:26:31 UTC
[She knows that. ...but she'd feel bad anyway because she's his mother and friend.

She only nods in response and holds her hand above his lunaglyph, performing the gestures necessary to heal. Hopefully it'll work.]


[Action] chaincutter May 2 2010, 18:57:54 UTC
[It mostly works, although there are tiny marks left behind. They at least look like something that will absolutely heal up on their own now.

There. See? Mama, please don't worry.]


[Action] halgitamilf May 2 2010, 21:48:33 UTC
[...well, that's as good as it's getting and she can't turn back time to prevent it from happening, so that's about all she can do.

Damn. She'll drop her hands back to her lap, then.] You must be tired.


[Action] chaincutter May 2 2010, 21:54:39 UTC
[What? No. He needs to defend his home from murderous religious fanatics, he can't be napping now.]

No, not at all. [Except for that part where he's lying. A little.]


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