Title: The Wall (Kurapika/Leorio version)
Series: Hunter x Hunter
Rated: PG-13 for imagery
Wordcount: 775
Notes: This one's a little weird -- I totally blame
jaebi_lit for being so existential in that last fic. Loosely based on this
symbolic personality test. Which you should read if you want this to make sense (although it probably won't anyway (I'm
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The bones are because Kurapika's the last surviving member of his Clan. He came home one day and all of them were dead with their eyes removed, and he mentions (offhand) that he burried them all himself. So kurapika's view of death = piles of bones. It's easier to reach/cross than Leorio's because it's a huge part of who he is.
Leorio's wants to cross the wall, originally, because he wants to be a doctor who saves people. (It makes no logical sense at all that Kurapika could help him do this by imposing his own view, but...artistic liscense? Hunter x Hunter is nothing like this fic, by the way. It's an action-adventure jump manga.)
And you're absolutely right about the obstinancy. XDDDD Leorio's the comic relief in the manga too -- little power, big attitude.
kudos to you
Thank you!
i love leorio's purple flowers :P
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