Quidditch Rules and Application
Mechanics ·
Tasks and guidelines ·
Rules and regulations ·
Scoring system ·
Judging ·
Feedback ·
Coach: Allie
wildealf Gryffindor Locker Room
Hufflepuff Locker Room
Ravenclaw Locker Room
Slytherin Locker Room
The sport of witches and warlocks
Quidditch is an exciting and challenging game involving two teams of seven players who fly on broomsticks, four balls in simultaneous play and a unique scoring system. Castlehogwarts has adopted this magical sport with several modifications to produce one of the exciting and unique features of our online community.
As in the magical sport of Quidditch in Potterverse, each Castlehogwarts player has a certain task to accomplish. In real Quidditch, for instance, a seeker's job is to catch the Snitch. In CH, the seeker's job is to answer trivia questions.
Every month, the quidditch coaches will announce the team match-up and will post the tasks. Each team will have three matches scheduled in the term so they will get the chance to compete against all of the opposing teams. Each match will last for three weeks and results will be posted shortly after the judging.
Tasks and player-specific guidelines:
Keeper: Theory and Discussion
Keeper tasks are always related to theories and essays. Topics will range from character discussion, theories on the final book, recent HP news, the public's perception of the book in relation to literature, religion, etc. Lighter topics will also be thrown into the mix -- HP shipping, movie-related talk, and many others.
Each essay should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs. The essays should NOT be purely the author's opinion. Using facts and other people's opinions are important to include, as well. While we are not asking for a full-blown academic essay, we require strict use of formal English language, citing references, if possible, to back up assertions made.
Flawless grammar, correct spelling and punctuation is a definite plus, but we do recognize that not all of us here have English as our mother language. We are more concerned really with the substance of the essay rather than its form.
Seeker: Trivia
As mentioned above, the seeker will answer Harry Potter-related trivia questions.
Seekers are tasked to answer three sets of questions posted at the beginning of each of the three weeks of the match. Trivia answers should be turned in as soon as possible, because the seeker who accurately answers the questions the fastest wins the task.
Beater: Graphics
Beaters are the graphic makers. In each match, the beaters will be asked to create graphics, icons or other artwork. The beaters should work together to accomplish the task at hand.
Chaser: Writing
Chasers are fan fiction writers. Each task will involve writing a story based on a specific topic. Just like the keepers, chasers are required to get feedback from their team. So work should be submitted in enough time for the rest of the team to respond. For each team member that does not respond to the entry, a point will be taken from the submission total.
As with beaters, chasers must work together to come up with one story.
Again, grammar, spelling (esp. of characters' names!), and punctuation are key. No Gryphandor, Prof. McGonogoll or Slitheryn, for the love of Merlin! Read, re-read and use that spell check honey!
Rules and Regulations:
Submission of entries and use of locker areas
1. Players may confer with each other regarding the tasks and may use the locker rooms as an avenue to bounce ideas off one another.
2. Graphics, essays and fiction submissions shall NOT be posted elsewhere until the results have been announced. Failure to follow this rule will result in disqualification from the current match.
3. Needless to say, NO PLAGIARISM or any shenanigans of the sort. Have some respect and a sense of originality.
4. Cite your sources. For fiction: If you used a line from say, another fiction you liked, please mention it. For essays: Please enumerate the sources you used for your assertion piece.
5. If a position in your team is lacking or if one of your players is encountering a rough patch in RL and you have time to accomplish a task aside from your own, you may do so provided that you submit your official task first.
6. SUBMISSIONS shall be posted in your locker areas, using an LJ-cut. Put Chaser/Beater/Seeker/whatever entry it is in the subject line.
Posting in this community
1. All official announcements posted by the coaches REQUIRE feedback or a comment from at least one person per team, just so we know we are getting our news across.
2. All players may post queries and suggestions here. Keep language PG-13 and n0 tyPinG lyK dis plz.
3. Make sure that you include your name and house in ALL posts and comments that you make.
4. After each match, all submissions will be posted here. Absolutely no trashtalking or bashing of other people's works. If you think somebody's work was horrid, best keep it to yourself. In Castlehogwarts, we'd like to foster a friendly environment.
5. No advertisements or whatnot. And absolutely no spamming. If you want to keep in touch with your teammates, please do it in your own locker areas.
Scoring system:
Quidditch is a very easy way to earn loads of points for your House.
Players acquire points simply by submitting the tasks. Each duly accomplished task submitted on time will receive full merits of 20 points and 50 points for winning the task.
The team with the better overall results will be named winner of the match and shall therefore gain a bonus of 100 points for their house.
Judges' decision are final. Period. Kthnxbye.
Interested? Tryouts are open all term long, but first thing's first:
1) You have to be a member of
Castlehogwarts. Apply for membership by going to
ch_sorting and posting your application there. Remember to read the rules carefully so as not to be squibbed.
2) Once you are sorted into a house, you may now check for openings in your house Quidditch team by checking out the Quidditch Pitch main page, where results of the previous matches are also announced.
3) If there is a vacant position you are interested to fill, sign up using the application form below.
Application form
Post the accomplished form as a comment to THIS POST. Comments are screened.
Status: (student, prefect, professor, etc)
Desired play position:
Why did you choose that position?:
Why do you want to be apart of the Quidditch team?:
If you do not qualify for your first choice of playing position, what other position would you be willing to take? OPTIONAL:
If you are re-applying for the team, state the reason of your previous depature:
If you are applying for Chaser or Beater, please provide either a SHORT writing sample or one to two graphic samples (links only for the graphics please.) 4) Know that you will have to go through a selection process. Once you are accepted, you may join your House locker room and meet your teammates.
Good luck and we hope to see you donning your House colours very soon!
Comments, Questions, Concerns:
Allie [email: wildealf@livejournal.com]
[AIM: wildealf]