Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Lelucia/Suzaku anonymous February 4 2011, 16:44:02 UTC
Princess Lelucia (or however you want to call her) lived all her life in a golden cage with a prim and proper upbringing and very little room for her own choices or anything resembling freedom.
One day, fed up with everyone and everything, she decides to do something daring for once in her life and has a one night stand with one of the guards. It was even better that he was an Eleven.

She didn’t quite expect to fall in love.


Re: Lelucia/Suzaku anonymous February 5 2011, 20:05:24 UTC
Lelucia = Disney princess?

...would you be okay with a crack-ish fill (by which I mean dialogue lifted directly from Disney movie lyrics and friendly woodland creatures and huge eyes), or do you want me to back off so someone can actually fill this properly?

(PS, even the crack-fill would have t3h sexorz, Disney or no)


Re: Lelucia/Suzaku anonymous February 5 2011, 21:10:15 UTC
Not!OP, but this w!a has been quietly considering a serious fill, and wouldn't mind at all if you did a crack fill first. I mean, it wouldn't make me back off or anything. Maybe it would even make me want to write it more! :0


From OP anonymous February 6 2011, 00:03:56 UTC
I feel really selfish for basically asking for two fills, but I’d love for you to fill this, seeing as I had intended for it to be a serious fill. (I should have stated that in the prompt itself.) But however this turns out, I’m happy with what I get. You both are awesome just for thinking about filling it! :D


Re: From OP anonymous February 6 2011, 00:07:39 UTC
By serious you don't mean totally angsty though, right? Just how 'serious' are you thinking?

Asking because this is totally the anon who was majorly tone-deaf with the serious!fill for the Teacherzaku thing up there. LMAOOO.


From OP anonymous February 6 2011, 00:35:34 UTC
You’re that anon? That fill is absolutely awesome!

I used the word ‘serious’ more along the lines of ‘non-parody’, not as a restriction on mood or setting. You can make it as angsty or light-hearted as you want!

And thank you both! I’m really looking forward to your fills.


From OP anonymous February 5 2011, 23:44:05 UTC
I hadn’t even realized how Disney-ish this prompt was until you pointed it out. XP
With that said, I had a more serious scenario in mind, but your idea intrigues me and has some lulzy potential. I’d really like to see what you can come up with. :)


Re: From OP anonymous February 5 2011, 23:47:06 UTC
I'm glad I didn't offend!

How 'bout this? I'll leave this for the serious fill, and maybe double fill once the better fill is done. In short, de-claiming this.

Go other w!a! Fighto! Win!


other!anon anonymous February 5 2011, 23:56:02 UTC

What, what, I didn't promise anything!

...sigh. Now I have to do it, don't I.

Okay, fine.

I'll fill if you promise to do the crack version, how's that sound? Kinda like a deal? :D


Re: other!anon anonymous February 5 2011, 23:57:55 UTC

Yes, this is a binding promise of homour and... stuff. In an anon meme.

Those always end well. :p



Re: other!anon anonymous February 5 2011, 23:59:15 UTC

I can't decide if you're mocking me or waaat. XDD


Re: other!anon anonymous February 6 2011, 00:03:54 UTC
I'm sorry... (ps, homour? wat?) really. I take this very srsly. Really. No, really, guys.

Honsetly, though, I do promise to fill if you do. I just don't want to disappoint OP with something basically mocking hir scenario. That's kinda rude if it's unasked for. I'm sure your fill will be far more inline with the spirit of the request.

Mine will be stupid. Promise.


Re: other!anon anonymous February 6 2011, 00:06:03 UTC

Looking forward to the stupid, then. XD


Re: Lelucia/Suzaku anonymous February 8 2011, 22:21:57 UTC
w!a asks: is it okay if Leloucia's a virgin?
Because I've been playing with the idea of Charles trying to marry her off to some prince she has absolutely no interest in. She knows she has no real power to stop the marriage, but since Britannian princesses are supposed to get married as virgins, she wants to stick it to daddy (and maybe discourage future unwanted bachelors) by rebeling...

Would that be okay with OP? Or maybe that plot's a bit too heavy?


Re: same w!a as above for clarification anonymous February 8 2011, 22:27:44 UTC

The reason I'm asking is because if I do make her a virgin, then there will be a dose of inevitable nervousness/insecurity/pain/blood involved with the sex (plus Suzaku will be a lot more reluctant to take a princess's virginity seeing as how highly it is priced in that AU verse) -- so in other words, that won't really be a straight-up PWP. If that's okay with you...?

Idk, I think I've jut gotten paranoid about disappointing OPs. LOL. Sorry.


OP anonymous February 8 2011, 23:38:37 UTC
That’s totally okay with me! Actually, it’s more than okay with me, it’s perfect.

I wish I could properly convey the sheer happiness I’m feeling right now. I’m so glad you’re filling this and I’d really like to do something for you in return.


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