Thread the Second

Aug 27, 2011 10:20

Because the first thread is filling...

... Thread II
(ain't that a mouthful?)


∅ BE ANONYMOUS for prompts and comments, always. You may fill de-anon'd if you're worried about plagiarism, but try not to as it puts pressure on the other anons. <3

∅ When requesting, make sure to include a prompt of some kind. A prompt can be a kink,  a premise, or a setting. Do not post nothing but a pairing or a one-word prompt. Non-kinky prompts are allowed, but this meme on the whole is18+, so heed the warnings.

∅ Do not bash. Live and let live. Your kink is not my kink. Etc. etc. Don't make anyone feel like they should be ashamed of their kink or ship. Let's all try to get along in this famously broken fandom ;)

∅ Only prompts and fills go in here. Do not discuss the fandom, characters, plot bunnies in here. RPing is also not technically allowed. You can do alllll of that to your heart's content in the discussion/general comments thread above. The only kind of discussion allowed in here is about the prompts and fills.

∅ (Almost) anything goes. S1, R2, manga or game canon or an AU setting, as well as any pairing and any kink ranging from the most creative to the lightest vanilla is welcome. Refer to  this if you cannot think of a kink.

∅  Warnings for potentially triggery content in fills is optional, but very desirable. Since what does and doesn't count as triggery is very subjective and an exhaustive list impossible to compile, this is not a rule, just a guideline.

∅ Commenting to fills is very encouraged. Let the writer!anons know you appreciated their work!

∅ Art fills and requests are also encouraged.

∅ Do try to fulfill requests because, obviously, all requests and no fic is boring. More than one response to a request is encouraged as well. (lolvariety.)

∅ PIMP DIS LEIK CRAZY. No, really, do it. Keep this meme alive for as long as possible.

Go nuts, you crazy kids. And remember to have fun! ;)
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