And now we return to round two, with two more participants, yay~ We've reached the halfway point now!
MAIN THEME: R1 Stage 15
So we're more than halfway through the series, and deep in the Mao arc. This episode features C.C. as the damsel-not-so-in-distress, Lelouch as her not-quite-white knight, and of course, Mao and his infamous chainsaw.
HERE is a gallery for Stage 15 screencaps.
SECONDARY THEME: Provided Text Textures
I am providing you with four textures of premade text. You must use at least one of them in a clearly visible way. Provided textures are beneath the cut.
The first two textures are from
lifeisdolce; the latter two are
• Your icon must fit LJ requirements: no larger than 100x100, >40kb, .png, .jpeg, or .gif
• One icon per participant. Icons must be made new and specifically for this contest.
• Only official artwork may be used in your icon.
code_geass and
cg_media are good sources for official art scans and anime screencaps.
• Any questions? Feel free to ask them here!
You must be on the
PARTICIPANT LIST in order for your icon to be accepted! Check here for your skip count as well.
Challenge 06 will close on Saturday, July 18 at 10PM PST. Skips may be used for this challenge.