CHARACTERS: Road Kamelot, hopefully Lavi
SUMMARY: Road camps out in the apartment soon to be Lavi's.
PLACE: Apartment 2II
TIME: A bit after the blackout started, after she failed to molest Saguru, and before the blackout ended.
WARNINGS: This could get loud and/or messy.
Let there be DOOOOOM! )
Comments 7
Then he'd continue to look for his comrades. He couldn't remember signing the contract that had put him in this situation in the first place - no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't - but at least he knew himself well enough to be certain that he wouldn't have done it without a good reason, and he also wouldn't have done it by himself.
Yet, he hadn't been able to detect anyone that he knew from home. It made him feel horribly uncertain, and he hated to feel that lost (he was used to always, always ( ... )
She was three stairs down when she heard someone step into the apartment.
Blinking, he looked up, as in a moment, he'd realized that someone was standing in the stairs, holding up two glowing sticks. It took him about another half second to recognise just who's face it was that was being lit up by the dim light, and therefore, his mouth had already started running before realization hit him.
"Hey, that's homey, I've even got my own welcoming commi--!"
Of all the people that could have walked into the apartment - his apartment? - she had never expected it to be HIM. Lavi. The one who killed her.
If the blood drained from her face, the light of the glowsticks hid it, making her expression of shock something more horrifying to behold. Her response was, if anything, less articulate than Lavi's.
Road let out the scream that only females can manage, the one that manages to convey mortal peril while deafening everyone within half a mile. Lavi cringed - a perfectly normal reaction to the sound.
She didn't exactly want to, but she trusted that he wouldn't have that hammer of his, and he was blocking the way out...
...Road charged down the stairs, lightsticks held out like swords.
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