CHARACTERS: Sai, and anyone who happens to come across him.
SUMMARY: See Sai. See Sai ponder. Ponder Sai, ponder! A rather muddled Sai arrives in the City.
PLACE: Wandering aimlessly around the fifth floor, trying to find his apartment.
TIME: 14th September, PM.
WARNINGS: There might be mention of penises. Because it's Sai.
I'm not in Konoha any more, tingting. )
Comments 25
"SAI?!" She flew to the door and peered out down the hall. It resembled Sai from behind at least.
So he did.
"...Why on earth are you ducking? And when did you get here?"
"Oh, I'm just ducking because, well, I um- I got here today. I think. I'm not entirely sure. But Sakura-san, why are you here? Is this a new mission that I forgot we had? And where is Naruto, and Yamato-taicho?"
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