CHARACTERS: Demyx, anyone else from the fourth section apartment block who wants to come help clean up
SUMMARY: Section four WILL be the cleanest this week ... to the gay refrain of a happy working song~!
PLACE: The fourth section's main hallway
TIME: About midday
WARNINGS: None, unless anyone decides to beat Demyx's head in (highly possible)
Everyone likes the Beatles, right? )
Comments 14
He did, however, stay inside his doorway as Demyx mopped. He remained like that for one whole repetition of the song, then actually crossed his threshold. "However did you contrive to have music-" he noticed the laptop, and the little device next to it. That must be the source of the noise. He sighed and leant against the wall instead, arms folded. He'd help if it was absolutely vital, but not until then.
He was banking on some other residents being lured out by the inane racket and distracting the admittedly flighty Demyx. He had been bothered by noise before in this section, and was fairly sure that some of its inhabitants were more than a match for him.
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