So a tiny series spoiler is the fact that Peppo is a boy! Since my interpretation is a little different than one of my betas, I decided a mini-essay is appropriate.
Peppo is based off Beppo, who was a boy crossdressing because it's easier to spy on and seduce nobles when you're a pretty girl.
I have no reason to believe that Peppo is transgender, or thinks of himself as a girl just because he was raised as/is living as one. He teases Albert about the fact that he's a boy, and they 'keep each other's secret.' Never does Peppo seem upset that Albert knows, and his demeanor in general leads me to believe that he lives as a girl because it's easy and familiar and he seems to really like living in big houses and hearing all the high-up gossip.
So, to me, he's more like a very well adjusted drag queen than a girl trapped in a boy's body. \o/ It's a personal interpretation that I discussed with canonmates before apping! In any case, although he acts like and will refer to himself in social situations as a girl, I sometimes refer to him as male in OOC comments and such. I don't think there'll be any IC issues, since his gender identity never comes up out loud. He's a cute little girl, right~?
I apped him post series, but it could still potentially mean issues for him back home if canonmates who aren't retarded French protagonists find out he's not a girl.