Title: Juichigatsu Ame
Author: Hime [cess-chan]
Chapter: 6/7
Rating: PG - 13
Pairing: TegoPi
Genre: AU, Romance, Drama
Summary: Tegoshi Yuya was left alone in his apartment in Tokyo after his cousin went back to Kobe. He finds a mysterious young man lying outside his apartment and takes him in only to find out that the man had lost his memory. Tegoshi
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Comments 24
This is so sad and good at the same time ._.;
Uwaaa~ hope you don't lose interest in Tegopi again...they'll be sad. rofl. wth am i saying XDDD
It is almost concluded then? (=S)- hhmm. . . YamaPi should sort his life out before he can realise what's really important to him (which should hopefully be Tegoshi =P hehee) [a good mix of emotions as well *thumbs up*]
~~ Shall be waiting for the next chapter update =) ~~
thanks for reading <333
and you pi.. you should do what you WANT to do, not what you HAVE to do.. those two are different~!! okay??? anyway i love you too~!!XD weee~!
HIME NEE-CHAAAN~!! your fic always shatter my heart, you're just so good at this~!!XDD best tegopi author evaah~!XD can't wait for the next fic~!!!!XDD i love you~!XD<33
see you on the 9th, tesshi. XDDD
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