Canadian Shack 10th Anniversary Party! Come play!

Jan 06, 2012 23:12

So, here's the thing. Ten years ago - wow, ten years! In fannish time that's a decade! no, wait.

I'll come in again.

So ten years ago, at the end of 2001, I was hanging around in a chatroom and we were talking about how all Due South stories seemed to end up in a Canadian shack. And then we decided that, really, all fandoms ought to end up in a Canadian shack. And so we started brainstrorming these little ficlets, half kidding, but then the writers in that room told their friends and suddenly everyone was sending me these little Canadian shack ficlets, partly because it became a thing about putting crazy or unlikely pairings and fandoms (not just X Files and Highlander and Quantum Leap but Hannibal and Iron Chef and Moonlighting) into shacks in the middle of the Northwest Territory or whatever. And I got like 100 of them (101 to be exact) in a matter of, like, three days. And I put them all up on my site as 101 Ways To End Up In A Canadian Shack. And it became kind of a thing.

tzikeh pinged me at some point and was like, dude, can you believe it's been ten years since the shack thing? And actually, I could not believe it. But what got me was that I'm still close or in touch with so many of those people: I mean, longtime readers of this blog will remember--well, actually, longtime readers of this blog are many of the people I'm talking about. The shack project was just chockablock full of Usual Suspects: Resonant, Lanning, Merry, Astolat, Dorinda, Julad, Mia/Kaneko, Yahtzee, Arduinna, Tzikeh, Basingstoke, Elynross, Laura Shapiro, Livia, Rheanna, Viridian, Gear, Pares, Torch, Te, Kass, Sanj, Kest etc etc. And it's just really meaningful to me that so many of those guys are still on my flist and in my life.

Anyway, to celebrate, I thought it would be fun to do an anniversary edition. I've opened up an Canadian Shack 2011 collection on the A03 and I'd like to invite you--any of you, all of you! bring your friends! - to come play! Write a short (around 500 words-ish) story putting your fandom/characters/pairing of choice into a Canadian shack! I think it would be particularly fun to get fandoms represented that didn't even exist in 2001, though old favorites are always welcome.

A few of the original writers who were around have pre-populated the collection with a few shacks to get us going. I've written two so far - a Millenium trilogy and a True Blood, and there are new shacks from Arduinna, Dorinda, Kass, Torch, Viridian, Lanning, and Gear, and I know that some of the other Oldos are going to add more. But everyone should do one!--it's totally fun, it's a terrific length and a delightfully goofy premise; it's like cake.

Help us get to 101! Spread the word! :D

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