(no subject)

Jul 12, 2006 02:33

New ficlet cross posted to Big Damn Quests. Jayne again, Asked if he has faith in a higher power. Jayne is Jayne, so you can go peek if you wanna know.
And, I think I may have figured out rich text! Cool beans. Wanton leaping about. Satisfied!

Title:That so?
Author: ceslas
Characters: Jayne Cobb
Rating: PG
Challenge: Round #4, Challenge #2--Do you have faith in a higher power that guides your life? Fate, Karma, God, anything?
Word Count:312
Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words
Warnings: BDM

Big Damn Quests, Round 4, Challenge 2

Jayne Cobb:Do you have faith in a higher power that guides your life? Fate, Karma, God, anything?

That’s a right odd question ain’t it? Shepherd talked ‘bout faith I s’pose, but he weren’t real clear to my way o’ thinking. Ya know, he said grace and spoke over the dead when he got the chance, but he didn’t ever push it on me.
‘Nara will go on ‘bout her fat little god sometimes, I just don’t listen though. Lot o’ her beliefs are well, I dunno… go se.
I don’t get the need for ‘em really. What don’t I need? Beliefs and all…I mean, I said grace when Shepherd was around, brought up right by my Ma on that one. If’n a man is saying grace, ya just go ahead and say it with ‘im. But I don’t go all wibbly lipped if’n no grace is being said. Hell, I tend to agree with Mal on that one. Don’t tell ‘im I ever told ya that though. I won’t be havin him smirkin at me all superior like.
Fate? Yeah, well I don’t ‘spect to be around long enough to really know ‘bout that one, jus’ my line o’ work, ain’t fate.
Ya can’t say fate killed Wash and not anyone else on that crazy mission Mal took us all on… Was right to go, I ain’t arguin’ that, but, hell, where does fate come into that? Mal made the choice, we all jus’ followed is all. I don’t wanna think that my end will have fate tagged on it if’n I die on some mission that hun dahn don’t plan out right. Nah, I die when I die, cause of a stupid mistake, or a faster gun, or makin’ a choice that goes bad. Nuthin ‘bout fate there… You know if that’s so?


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