Title: A Shift into Reality
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Zacharias and Mr Smith, Ernie Macmillan, and Ginny Weasley
Prompt: What?
Word Count: 1703
Rating: PG13
Summary: All Zacharias Smith ever wanted was a straight answer. Just one straight answer to a very simple question. What happened?
Author’s Notes: Takes place during the beginning of HBP
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Comments 6
Anyway, this was lovely! And so nice to read <3! Loved Ginny appearing <3 Gorgeous ficlet!
I loved this, though. I'd totally forgotten about this part in HBP, and it was awesome to see it fleshed out into a full scene. Great work!
Thank you for justifying Zacharais Smith, as usual. And everything works out perfectly. Yay for Hufflepuff, always!
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