Season 1 Community Rewatch: "The Borgias in Love" and "The French King"

Mar 18, 2012 20:48

Welcome to our second season 1 rewatching party! Tonight we will be watching episodes 5 and 6, "The Borgias in Love" and "The French King."

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1x05, 1x06, discussion, rewatch party, season 1

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Comments 37

sherrilina March 19 2012, 01:02:17 UTC
On a related note, I had a sexy Cesare/Lucrezia dream last night, in which they were sitting on a bench, and Cesare lay his head in Lucrezia's lap or something, and she leaned over him....I sadly can't remember it clearly anymore, but it was awesome, and at first I thought it was part of some promo for season 2, but now I think that was just wishful dream thinking, lol...


sherrilina March 19 2012, 01:03:06 UTC
Unlike this episode, which is seriously lacking in awesome C/L, and full of far too much useless Ursula...:/ Definitely my least favorite episode of the season.


sherrilina March 19 2012, 01:33:10 UTC
Little behind, but. so far Ursula aside this episode is better than I remembered...I do love seeing Cesare and Machiavelli's wordplay, clever for a Cardinal indeed! (I love how Cesare had already totally figured out the guy's plans...he should also play with a knife at his desk more often! :p)

Juan is making me lol so hard in this epp, with his epic bitchface and lack of any political tact or sense whatsoever. Oh Juan, how you try, but always fail...


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sherrilina March 19 2012, 01:53:53 UTC
Lol, that's ok bb! RL happens...;)

Supposedly she is in season 2 I think, but not much? :s Hard to recall, I probably repressed something...:p But yeah not all of it, THANK GOD. Maybe one episode, we can hope...


sherrilina March 19 2012, 01:38:46 UTC
Oooh Giulia don't be insulting Sicilians so! >:( My grandmother's peeps...

And ew this duke of Milan is so gross...:s


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