Season 1 Community Rewatch: "The Poisoned Chalice" and "The Assassin"

Mar 04, 2012 20:56

Welcome to our first season 1 rewatching party! We will be watching the two-part series premiere "The Poisoned Chalice" and "The Assassin" tonight.

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Comments 15

sherrilina March 5 2012, 03:36:18 UTC
Holliday is so good at playing a 14-year-old...


heartnpen March 5 2012, 04:34:21 UTC
And Francois playing a young 20 something, lol. I thought the same thing...the idea Lucrezia is supposed to be 14 yrs old, but that's the power of casting. It distracts you from the reality a wee bit, lol.


sherrilina March 5 2012, 04:39:58 UTC
How old is Cesare supposed to be in 1492 again? :s I was actually wondering that, with Rodrigo's comment, "When I was your age..." How much older is he in RL than he's supposed to be? I don't think the difference is as great as with Holliday/Lucrezia? :s

In any case, they obviously weren't going to cast an actual 14 year old,. because that'd be too skeevy (same with GoT), but she sure acts the part well!


heartnpen March 5 2012, 04:51:54 UTC
I believe the real Lucrezia and Cesare had about a 4-5 yr difference in age. Cesare was born about 1475 or 76 and Lucrezia 1480.

I try to avoid shipping, but these two are undeniable for me.


sherrilina March 5 2012, 03:46:16 UTC
It was strange to see the first two episodes split up on the DVD (I always wondered where exactly the official cut-off point was). But man is the first episode a well-constructed introduction to the series! <333


heartnpen March 5 2012, 04:32:44 UTC
ahahaha how I love this episode! *composes herself* sorry...I've been going through withdrawal, lol.

Yes on the "creeper" Lucrezia...hmmm...if the promos are accurate enough, she has a creeper moment in S2...but it turns deadly.

I have to admit, when I saw Cesare chase her down and roll around on the grass. I had such mixed emotions, the loudest one of expressing, "thank god I don't have a brother, and one who looks like Francois!" lol


sherrilina March 5 2012, 04:36:02 UTC
Lol yeaaah sometimes I wonder if my being an only child (and thus unfamiliar with the feeling of having a sibling) makes it easier for me to ship siblings like these without feeling too wrong? :p I do think though that these guys are an exception to the rule for many, they just have too much chemistry to be allowed...

And you're right, I hadn't thought of that connection with Lucrezia again creeping on people having sex in the trailer! O_o


heartnpen March 5 2012, 04:44:57 UTC
I'm an only child too, but I was raised with my cousins. My youngest cousin is a guy, and we have this very comfortable affection with one another because we are so much alike in personality, so it's not weird. So in a way, I could understand the closeness with Lucrezia/Cesare. Even now if he's sleeping late on a weekend when I'm visiting (a rarely get to visit him out of state) I'll hop over to his room and jump on his bed. We're childish that way. I then give him a big hug and tell him to get off his ass because we're wasting the afternoon! lol. This, of course, is nothing like the sexually charged first episode between Lucrezia and Cesare...

Oooh, I just realized something. Do you think because they are closer in age, the actors, it makes it different in context?

I mean if she looked younger, maybe it would take a different context?
Then again Francois and Holliday have crazy chemistry! At any age they would look hot together, imo.


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