By Any Other Name

Sep 09, 2014 12:32

Title: By Any Other Name
Pairing: Chanyeol/Kyungsoo
Rating: NC-17
Genre: fluff (aka super fluffy sex involving some dirty talk)
Length: 2,264
Summary: Chanyeol hates wearing clothes with his name on the back.

But he can't handle this )

pairing: chanyeol/kyungsoo, fandom: exo, genre: fluff

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Comments 11

cherith0angel September 10 2014, 05:06:09 UTC
I give this story a standing ovation. That was BRILLIANT!


ceruleanlight September 11 2014, 19:26:56 UTC
awww, thank you! (:


anonymous September 29 2014, 23:06:04 UTC
Omg i think i'm dead

This is everything ever wanted

b y E


ceruleanlight October 5 2014, 21:23:10 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! this is a personal fav tbh


lizardbelle October 1 2014, 07:39:05 UTC
Chansooooo is so adorable, and this story is so adorable and hot, i love your writing. I never realised how much ive missed exo fics until i find myself stranded in tokyo due to volvanic activity bored to death. Youre story is so entertaining, thank you!


ceruleanlight October 5 2014, 21:24:03 UTC
WHOA WHAT VOLCANOS WHAT. Did you eventually make it out of there? How was Japan? You should message me when you get the chance... (: But I'm glad you liked the story too! Welcome back to the world of fic. (;


lizardbelle October 14 2014, 05:36:38 UTC
There was a volcanic eruption in japan while i was there! I was staying two hours away. one of my friends had been on the mountain the day before it went boom O.o
We did make it home though, unfortunately. JAPAN WAS AMAZING I MISS IT SO MUCH. atm, i'm of the opinion that no better place exists on earth. I'll definitely message you soon! And thank you for the welcome back :D I cant wait to read all of your updates ive missed.


katakys October 1 2014, 19:09:30 UTC
Ok, yes, good, Soo actually loving Yeol! OMG I think I love you!


ceruleanlight October 5 2014, 21:24:15 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! (:


saraim November 11 2014, 01:38:36 UTC
I don't even know what to do with myself, this was soooooo good. There was so much that I liked about it, from the characterizations of insecure Chanyeol and comforting, yet commanding Kyungsoo to their interactions. Just perfect. I really enjoyed this from start to finish. <3


ceruleanlight November 11 2014, 02:53:17 UTC
aww, thank you! (: I'm glad you liked my characterizations here--they were really fun to write!


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