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Comments 5

mrenthirtythree August 6 2015, 16:26:56 UTC
Thank you for such a well-written story! I really like the characters. Their personalities were detailed without being overdone. Great job!


ceruleanlight August 29 2015, 14:21:53 UTC
thanks! I'm glad you liked it. :)


kheisariin September 16 2015, 05:12:36 UTC
I enjoy reading this fic! I really like kyungsoo's character here, thanks for writing this fic~


julyfix September 21 2015, 01:15:03 UTC
fics that are interwoven with lyrics and metaphors for music will always have my heart
job well done :)


beetricks November 29 2016, 20:08:12 UTC
Great story. I love how you always end on just the right note. Open ended, not tied up with a neat bow. Kyungsoo's reaction when chanyeol asked him to top squeezed my heart. You could tell C wasn't doing it in any sort of manipulative way, but rather as an act of recognition and understanding, driven by both generosity of spirit and his own desire. It was lovely.


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