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Comments 3

nathalaia December 29 2014, 14:53:05 UTC
Happy ending <3 (I would have loved to see everyone's reaction, but, alas, that was not to happen. Hahahaa.)

Loved this! And SuChen <3 A nice flow and I was honestly taken aback when I found out what the bet was. Awesome! I find the image of Junmyeon in those horrendous clothes quite amusing.

Baekhyun as a horse. Snort.

Thanks for writing! Lovely fic!


ceruleanlight January 22 2015, 04:16:54 UTC
I know, I kind of want to write a sequel but I don't know if anyone would read it I just really like this au okay? Thanks for reading and leaving such a lovely comment! (:


nathalaia February 23 2015, 18:57:49 UTC


I would definitely read it! Therefore, I definitely think you should write a sequel. I'd leave you a long comment, ish, I hope, if I know you wrote a sequel XD

Haha, anyway, you're welcome!


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