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Comments 7

pororoporn September 22 2014, 05:00:48 UTC

i dont deserve to spot but i still am because wow what the heck this fic gave me one of my most exciting reading experiences!!!!!!!

I promise to get back to this and leave a more structured and coherent comment that this fic deserves!!!!!

But pls know that you wrote such an excellent monster fic and i am so proud to call myself your fan!!!!!!!!


rikli October 3 2014, 22:51:39 UTC
this song ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEtkIRlz7Vw

it was amazing took my totally not precious two hours and wow there are barely any action fics always and then something like this appear and how can you not be happy

i was counting on a happy ending even though it says angst haha ive had a feeling
i LOVE the characterization, the little things that seemed so fitting and screamed jongin or kyungsoo, i could imagine their faces perfectly

ok its late and im probably writing weirdly oops

it was <333 amazing!


ceruleanlight October 5 2014, 21:27:47 UTC
whoaaa that song is so creepy and beautiful at the same time...I love it!

But thank you so so much for this lovely comment! ;; Ehe yeah I am a sucker for happy endings, I'm glad you appreciated that. (; And I'm so happy you liked my characterizations for Kaisoo! That means a lot to me, seriously.

Anyway, thank youuuu!


anonymous November 17 2014, 10:56:05 UTC
So not only do I go on your masterlist to find that I've read almost every single story youve written (AND IVE LOVED THEM ALL BTW SO SO SO MUCH) without even realizing that you wrote them all (cause you're fucking amazing and you write amazing things) but now I sit here in awe of the best Kaisoo action romance I've ever read. Ever ever ever. Like hooooly girl, are you human? I dont think I'll stop thinking about this story and this plot for dayssss. Someone should turn this into a screenplay, seriously. This was just phenomenal


ceruleanlight December 12 2014, 20:12:36 UTC
Just give me a moment to wipe away a tiny tear here...thank you SO MUCH! I've been really busy recently and writing fic has fallen by the wayside, and reading comments like this remind me why I write--because it's super awesome! and I get to entertain awesome people like you! I'm so glad you liked this (and the other random stuff I write), and thank you for this absolutely lovely comment. <3


brightindigo January 29 2015, 19:11:20 UTC
okok so i decided i like your writing too much so im going to stalk through your masterlist.

AND I COME ACROSS THIS BEAUTY and oh, the action, the romance, the characters, IT ALL TIES TOGETHER SO WELL.

hapoy endings wheeeeeee


dreaminglasts September 23 2016, 17:05:24 UTC
I really REALLY enjoyed this. I just wanted to let you know that even in 2016 someone read your fic and REALLY REALLY enjoyed this. I really liked that despite ksoo's resistance he couldnt stop himself from caring about Jongin. Aww. I also really liked how good and bad became blurry. I was so sad for a second because Sehun, Chanyeol, et al were bad but the epilogue, although a little confusing, gave me hope.


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