Inspired by thinking about Babylon 5. If you've never watched the show, Garibaldi spends much of the first episode trying to find someone to share his second favorite thing in the universe (his favorite being obvious). This turns out to be watching Daffy Duck cartoons
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Comments 49
Ted Kord's second favorite thing is cheesesteak and a cold beer and something mindless on television with monsters in rubber suits that he doesn't have to go fight.
Piper's second favorite thing is the rush of adrenaline in pulling off a spectacular robbery...or stopping one nowadays, and how it makes him feel really alive.
Alfred Bester's second favorite thing is needling Garibaldi. Of course he's hated and feared all over known space, but it's refreshing that the man actually says exactly what he's thinking.
John Henry's second favorite thing is Savannah. He's sure Mister Ellison would disapprove of calling Savannah a thing. But he looks forward to her visits. He's learning a lot from her.
Dominic Toretto's 2nd favorite thing is beating Brian by being a sneaky bastard. (His favorite involves having Brian's long legs wrapped around him.)
Beer is Tim Riggins's 2nd favorite thing, but not so much that it interferes with his ability to show somebody a good time.
A glass of fine absinthe is The Shade's 2nd favorite thing. (His favorite is anything that allows him to deliver a pithy oneliner.)
Noser's second favorite thing involves going back to that same old place, sweet home Chicago. C'mon, baby, don't you wanna go? If 6 and 3 is 9, 9 and 9 is 18, what happens when you look there, sister girl?
Eeeee, glad it worked, as opposed to failing, as I've only seen the first two eps.
(Also: BWEEEEEE. Best geekfest EVER.
I want Wendy Watson to get a ride in the TARDIS, but I have the sneaking suspicion she'd turn it down.
Actually, what I really want is for the Middleman to go and Deal With Torchwood.)
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