Pairing: Alex Mahone/Michael Scofield/Paul Kellerman Rating: NC-17 Notes: Written for the Porn Battle. Prompt: precarious. Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine.
That part, that line, was what gave me the entire idea for this ficlet.
And lol, Kellerman's voice was hilarious to write. I was expecting him to be difficult, but he snarked like there was no tomorrow, and it was quite fun.
Funnily enough I never thought about those three. No idea why not because duh, hot. And I like the fact that you make Michael and Kellerman gang up on Mahone. And not Kellerman and Mahone on Michael. Heh.
That's kind of a problem I have with a lot of Prison Break fics I've read (granted, I haven't read that many, because I am an admitted spoilerphobe). So many seem to have another character sexually gang up on Michael just because he's pretty -_-
It's true, though. These guys are a pretty unlikely threesome. But fun to write. I'm glad you liked :)
I see your point. I think it very much depends on the other character involved and most of all on where he is on the journey. Without giving away anything spoilery - there are a few points, okay many points, where I feel he is so vulnerable that he wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight.
Comments 8
gah. So hot.
“Awesome,” says Kellerman. “Could we pay attention to me now?”
And funny as well:)
I did have to go look up who Kellerman was though, I'd totally forgotten his name. It works though:)
And lol, Kellerman's voice was hilarious to write. I was expecting him to be difficult, but he snarked like there was no tomorrow, and it was quite fun.
I'm glad you liked ^_^
Funnily enough I never thought about those three. No idea why not because duh, hot. And I like the fact that you make Michael and Kellerman gang up on Mahone. And not Kellerman and Mahone on Michael. Heh.
It's true, though. These guys are a pretty unlikely threesome. But fun to write. I'm glad you liked :)
Fun to read, too. heh.
Oh, and the hotness was incredible. You're contributing to global warming here :P
LOL. Well, thank you ^_^
Have to say I've very much enjoyed your battle posts here
If either of you ladies are willing and inspired I'd be THRILLED beyond reason to see a little Mahone/Burrows? Alpha male battle for dominace?
Perhaps this along with my icon will inspire ya?
( ... )
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