Title: Midgar Burning
silence_laughs and
calvi_samaPairing: Cid x Vincent
Rating: NC-17 (eventually), most certainly R
Disclaimer: We do not in any way own, nor profit from, the characters and/or locations of FFVII, that would all be SquareEnix. Also any other references to persons or products mentioned herein are purely coincidental *coughs*, and where they are not then they belong to their respective writers, producers, directors, or other individuals/companies listed under that sneaky little thing called a "copyright".
Warnings: Adult themes, blood, some violence, language, kidnapping, torture, mentions of abuse, murder, and above all else...yaoi, the 'inappropriate to minors' kind, the 'makes us sit up past our bedtimes reading' kind, 'cause lets face it folks, it just wouldn't be the same without it! >:3
Summary: Even as Cid fights to show Vincent it’s okay to love again, Vincent’s enemies are moving in. Can Cid secure a place in Vincent’s heart before their world falls apart?
A/N: Two things folks: 1) This is an RP and 2) This fic is AU. The usual players here: silence = Cid, and all in Cid's world, and yours truly = Vincent, and all in Vin's world. Easiest way to say it. ^^ This fic is a 'novel'-form piece (ie multi-chapter) that is darker than what we normally write, and out of our comfort zone in the fact that we normally prefer to stick to canon-type stuff. But I got the idea from
ani_mama 's artwork (more specifically this
picture), persuaded silence to "go along with it", and it's been going 'full steam ahead' since then, and quite grown on us. We hope you all like it! Icon art provided by
silk_weaver .
A/N Addendum from Cal [*Please Read*]: Only thing I have to say now is an apology for how short this chapter is! The chapter breaks are really hard to find and you have to take them when you find them! ^.^; More to come, don't worry!
Chapter 45
Cid was also enjoying the silence, and, unsurprisingly, it was beginning to lull him to sleep. The position he sat in provided enough discomfort to keep him from sleeping deeply, but he had just begun to nod off for perhaps the third time when the door opened again. “Who th’hell- oh,” Cid said groggily as he realized where he was. One of the nurses, one he didn’t recognize, was coming in to check on Vincent -in other words, Cid thought wryly, to make sure Vincent got no rest and to preach at Cid about making sure he let Vincent get rest. “Can’t wait ‘til y’re outta here,” he told Vincent when the nurse left. “We’re all gonna rest a hell of a lot easier, ‘specially me an’ you.”
After rearranging the chair again and stealing part of Vincent’s bed, Cid stretched out as far as he was able with his legs thrown over the back of the chair and his back spanning the seat of the chair and part of the bed. He’d figured out how to make the plastic frame ride a bit lower in sections so it wasn’t attempting to pry its way into his ribcage, and his shoulders fit nicely in that area. His head rested low on Vincent’s thigh, as close to the knee as he could manage. The arm closest to Domino stretched toward it, finding Vincent’s hand in the process and linking their fingers. “Ain’t so bad,” Cid commented, smiling up at Vincent. “Gimme an hour, a’ right?” he joked, knowing that in approximately twenty minutes another nurse would enter and be horrified at him.
He half-hoped it would be Patti. Still, even twenty minutes of unbroken sleep sounded nice, and he was willing to pay the price at the end of it. If they kicked him out, he’d just dye his hair, find those green contacts, and put on a suit. No problem.
Vincent had all but used up what little strength he had in talking to his men. He was surprised how much effort something as simple as talking took. He smiled weakly and squeezed his fingers in Cid's as best as he could and whispered, "Wanna...leave...too."
“I know, sugar,” Cid whispered back, then eased his grip on Vincent’s hand and focused upon falling asleep. As expected, when the nurse came in later, Cid was scolded, chided, chastised, and admonished. As soon as she left, he returned to his position -which was surprisingly comfortable- and drifted off again after laughing to Vincent about her reaction. So it went for nearly five hours until the nurse simply chuckled and ignored him. Then Patti entered, and Cid allowed himself to be physically removed from the room and dared to try to get back in. He was back at Vincent’s side within ten minutes, and decided to just sit normally from then on. Soon enough, he’d have to leave and stay gone, and he wanted to spend every possible minute with Vincent. “Hey,” he called softly when Vincent appeared to be as lucid as he would get for a while, “anything y’want me t’bring with me for ya t’morra?”
“Mm?” Vincent answered when Cid had called to him softly. He shook his head with a wheeze and said, “Only you.” He cracked open his eyes and looked down at Cid for a little, his breathing slightly exaggerated as he tried to get enough air into lungs that burned like acid and refused to work properly. “Don’t go…don’t…leave me…” He didn’t like this place and he had a bad feeling that tonight was going be nothing short of a nightmare. Cid would protect him, he knew this beyond a shadow of a doubt. He pleaded with his eyes, unashamed of his fear. “Don’t go…” the last word squeaked a little as it came out, and his eyes burned, but he just didn’t care. Cid had seen him at his emotional worst, something even Tseng could not boast, so this embarrassing plead did nothing to his already dented and battered pride.
“I don’t want to. I don’t wanna leave ya, y’know that.” Cid pivoted slowly in his seat and bent over Vincent’s chest, kissing the hand he was still holding. “On’y they ain’t afraid o’ me an’ I got nothin’ t’bribe ‘em with. They won’t let me stay, an’ if they catch me sneakin’ back in I won’t be able t’see ya at all. I can’t have that, Vincent. I can’t be away from ya that long, not when y’need me.” Patti came in again, and Cid glared at her while refusing to budge. “He was fine half an hour ago, an’ ain’t nothin’ changed ‘cept ‘e was free o’ you fer a while, an’ that only does a person good,” he snapped, watching her walk back out haughtily.
Over her shoulder, she called back, “One more hour, Mr. Highwind,” in an exaggeratedly cheerful tone, and he didn’t even have the energy to stick his tongue out this time.
“I swear she comes in here more’n she needs to just so she c’n say later that you didn’t get no rest ‘cause I was here. But like I w’s sayin’, sugar, y’know I’ll be here soon’s th’doors open t’morra. An’ with any luck, they’ll move ya soon an’ then I won’t hafta go home. But if you worry yerself too much y’re only gonna be here longer, right?” He shifted again so he could lie rather uncomfortably beside Vincent from the waist up. One of his hands, shaking slightly, came to rest on the side of Vincent’s face, turning him to face Cid. Their eyes locked, and Cid shed his first tear since hearing the news.
Vincent swallowed and struggled to move his forehead to rest against Cid’s awkwardly. He clung to the cop’s hand, his breathing coming short and fast. “I’m scared. They won’t…leave me…alone…Cid, I’m scared.”
“I am too. Oh, Vincent, I am too,” Cid said, sobbing a bit near the end. He squirmed to bring himself closer to Vincent. “But y’hafta be strong. I know y’can be. An’ they won’t do nothin’ they don’t have to, or your Tseng an’ ever’one’ll come after ‘em. I will too, but I won’t be much help. Shh, Vincent, calm down,” he whispered, barely dodging the oxygen cables as he darted forward to kiss Vincent’s lips. “You just sleep. Just sleep, an’ hold onta Domino, an’ when mornin’ comes I’ll be back. I’ll come back. Please, sugar, just hold on for me. I won’t let ‘em keep ya where I can’t be with ya another night. I just won’t.” He didn’t know exactly what he would do about it, but it would be something. This wasn’t fair to Vincent, and it was unnecessary. “Go on t’sleep, Vincent. I’ll hold ya as best I can."
Vincent nodded, but he was too agitated to sleep. The fear was a living creature, a shadow hanging over his bed, eying him as though he were the next meal, and he began to shake. Even Cid’s strangely soothing presence wasn’t enough to calm him down. He clutched the bandersnatch like a lifeline and let his eyes dart around the room. They kept flicking back to the clock and with each tick of the second hand he felt his heart rate go up a little more. It felt as though he was waiting for something cataclysmic, the anticipation wringing him out until he didn’t even have the energy to worry anymore. Finally his hand around Cid’s and the one holding the bandersnatch relaxed, and Vincent just stared at the ceiling, glaze-eyed and burned out. When the nurse came in to shoo Cid out, all he could do was watch his salvation walk out the door, and leave him all alone.
“Please don’t make me leave,” Cid had pleaded, but to no avail. After one last kiss and more muttered reassurances, he had been removed this time from the wing itself rather than just the room, and informed that hospital security would be alerted if he tried to get back in. The bus ride back home was the most miserable he’d ever experienced, because all he could think was that he had left Vincent alone in that place with nothing to hold onto except a stuffed bandersnatch. How could he have left like that? Vincent wouldn’t have left him…but Vincent had the means to stay, and the charisma to sway people. Cid had none of it, and it only made the situation worse when he pretended he did. He got no sleep at all that night, and in his rush to get back to Vincent, he had forgotten to shower.
Knowing that he would be there all day -and all night, if everything went well- he forced himself to go back inside to shower and change clothes. He checked before leaving the second time to make sure he had his charged phone and enough money for the ride home if he needed it, and then Cid was on his way, choosing the bus over the walk this time.